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A visit of Taiwan, Haedar: Taiwan Welcomes Cooperation in Realms of Education and Humanity

Kamis, 25-04-2019
Dibaca: 177

MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, YOGYAKARTA – Central Board of Muhammadiyah welcomed a visit from Taipei Economic Trade Office in Indonesia, Director of Education Division, Shu Fen, Grace, Ou, President of Shin Chien University, Michael J.K. Chen, and Asia President of University Taiwan, Jffrey JP Tsai on Wednesday (24/4) at Office of Central Board of Muhammadiyah, Jl. Cik Ditiro No. 23 Yogyakarta. 
The group of people was greeted by Chairman of Central Board of Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir. Haedar informed that the visit aimed to enhance educational cooperation. 
“This collaboration is incredible. It reinforces both relations and cooperation between Taiwan and us (Muhammadiyah),” declare Haedar.
According to Haedar, it portrays that Taiwan is open to cooperation of education and humanity. 
“Muhammadiyah as a da’wah movement seeks to cooperate with various parties to embody Islam as rahmatan lil ‘alamanin (a mercy to the worlds). We try to leverage this cooperation to escalate master’s and doctoral degree programs and other educational development programs for Muhammadiyah higher education,” added Haedar.
The collaboration is in terms of providing scholarships for Muhammadiyah students to study in Taiwan, sending Mu’alllimin and Mu’allimaat students to learn and stay in a Taiwanese university dormitory through a mubaligh hijrah program during Ramadhan.
Additionally, the visit was also attended by Secretary of Council of Higher Education and Research Development (Diktilitbang) of Muhammadiyah, Muhammad Sayuti, Director of Office of International Affairs of Universitas Muhmmadiyah Yogyakarta Yordan Gunawan, and a staff of Muhmmadiyah office Bachtiar Dwi Kurniawan. 

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