Article 1
(1) Muhammadiyah is domiciled in Yogyakarta, the place where it was built for the first time.
(2) Central Executive is the top leader who leads Muhammadiyah as a whole and holds the activities at two offices: Yogyakarta and Jakarta.
Article 2
Symbol and Flag
(1) Muhammadiyah symbol as mentioned in Statutes article 5 is as follows:
(2) Muhammadiyah flag is rectangular measuring two to three with the picture of Muhammadiyah symbol in the middle. There is the word MUHAMMADIYAH below the symbol with green for the background color and white for the writing and picture.
(3) Another provision concerning symbol and flag is stipulated by Central Executive.
Article 3
Muhammadiyah’s endeavor is materialized into the forms of charity and services, program, and activities that include:
1. Fostering faith, deepening and broadening understanding, increasing execution, and spreading Islamic teachings in all aspects of life.
2. Deepening and developing the study of Islamic teaching in all aspects of life to get its purity and truth.
3. Increasing the spirit of worship, jihad (crusade), zakat (charity), infak (donation), wakaf (bequest), shadaqah (alms), hibah (grant), and other pious deeds.
4. Increasing dignity, prestige, and quality of human resource in order to have high capability and noble moral.
5. Advancing and renewing education and culture, developing science, technology, and arts, and increasing research.
6. Advancing economy and entrepreneurship toward qualified life improvement.
7. Increasing health quality and people welfare.
8. Maintaining, developing, and empowering natural resources and environment for well-being.
9. Developing communication, friendship, and cooperation in all aspects with people inside or outside Indonesia.
10. Maintaining unity of the country and actively getting involved in national life.
11. Building and increasing quality and quantity of the member as a doer of the movement.
12. Developing facilities, infrastructure, and fund sources to make the movement successful.
13. Striving for law enforcement, justice, and rightness as well as increasing defense of society.
14. Other endeavors suitable to Muhammadiyah’s objectives.
Article 4
(1) Ordinary member must meet the following criteria:
a. Indonesian Muslim
b. Male or female aged 17 years old or already married
c. Agree with Muhammadiyah’s objectives.
d. Be ready to support and implement Muhammadiyah’s endeavors.
e. Register and pay admission fee.
(2) Extraordinary member is a Muslim but not an Indonesian citizen, agrees with Muhammadiyah’s objectives, and ready to support its endeavor.
(3) Honorary member is a Muslim who has contribution to Muhammadiyah and/or has authority or expertise needed by Muhammadiyah, and is ready to help Muhammadiyah.
(4) The procedures for membership are as follows:
a. Ordinary member
1. Submitting written application to Central Executive by filling out a form and enclosing its requirements through Subdistrict Executive or the Executive of Charity and Services if there is no subdistrict. Then the application is sent to District Executive.
2. District Executive sends the application to Central Executive with considerations.
3. District Executive can give temporary member card to the prospective member before he/she gets the member card from Muhammadiyah Central Executive. The form of temporary member card is stipulated by Central Executive.
4. Central Executive gives member card of Muhammadiyah to the ordinary member via related District Executive.
b. Extraordinary and Honorary Member
The procedures for extraordinary and honorary member are regulated by Central Executive.
(5) Central Executive can delegate an authority of accepting ordinary member and giving member card of Muhammadiyah to Provincial Executive. The authority delegation and the provision of its implementation are regulated by Central Executive’s decision.
(6) Rights of Member
a. Ordinary member:
1. Stating opinion inside or outside conference.
2. Elect and be elected in conference.
b. Extraordinary and Honorary member have a right to express an opinion.
(7) Obligation of Ordinary, Extraordianry, and Honorary member:
a. Be obedient in conducting Islamic teaching.
b. Keep good reputation and be loyal to Muhammadiyah and its struggle.
c. Keep tight hold on Muhammadiyah’s characters, beliefs, and goals.
d. Be obedient to Muhammadiyah rules, conference decision, and Central Executive’s policies.
e. Support and pay attention to the interest of Muhammadiyah and implement its endeavors.
f. Pay membership fee.
g. Pay infaq (donation)
(8) Ordinary, Extraordinary, and Honorary member quits because of:
a. Passing away
b. Resigning
c. Being dismissed by Central Executive
(9) The procedures of membership dismissal.
a. Ordinary member:
1. District Executive proposes the membership dismissal to Regional Executive based on justifiable proof.
2. Regional Executive sends the proposal to Provincial Executive with considerations.
3. After examining and checking, Provincail Executives can send the proposal or not.
4. Provincial Executive can give suspension for maximum 6 (six) months while waiting the decision from Central Executive.
5. After receiving the dismissal proposal from Provincial Executive, Central Executive decides to dismiss or not within 6 (six) months.
6. The member who is proposed to be dismissed, during the dismissal proposal process, can bring up an objection to District Executive, Regional Executive, Provincial Executive, and Central Executive. After dismissal decision is released, the member can bring up an objection to Central Executive.
7. Central Executive forms a team whose responsibility is learning the objection raised by the dismissed member. Central Executive stipulates final decision after hearing the team’s considerations.
8. Member dismissal decision is announced in Muhammadiyah’s Official Notification.
b. Extraordinary and Honorary member is dismissed based on the decision of Central Executive.
(trans by hmz - uhamka)