Sunday, 09 February 2025

Muhammadiyah Network

Muhammadiyah Network

Muhammadiyah Central Executive

Muhammadiyah Central Executive is the top level of Muhammadiyah structure. As the top level of all, Muhammadiyah Central Executive has a coordinative function of all Muhammadiah Chairmanship all over Indonesia, as well as coordinates Islamic dakwah (mission) movement around Indonesia through many forms of dakwah activities such as religion, education, social welfare, health, etc.

Doing Islamic dakwah movement, Muhammadiyah Central Executive has a managing board and councils or institutions which function to carry out Muhammadiyah programs at central level and to coordinate all activities of specific Islamic dakwah in Indonesia. Cadre formation process within Muhammadiyah Central Executive is also done intensively through autonomous organizations in the central level having its own segment.

Decision making in Muhammadiyah Central Executive is also done democratically in the form of conference. The highest conference is Muhammadiyah Congress that elects the members of Muhammadiyah Central Executive, plans the strategy of Muhammadiyah’s dakwah program, evaluates dakwah movement for the previous period, and decides other important things. Muhammadiyah congress involves all Provincial and Regional Executives.     

Provincial Executive of Muhammadiyah

Provincial Executives of Muhammadiyah is the structural level of Muhammadiyah similar to province. Higher than Regional Executive level of Muhammadiyah, Provincial Executive of Muhammadiyah has a coordinative function for all Muhammadiyah chairmanship under its provincial territory and coordinates Islamic dakwah movement around the province through various activities such as religion, education, social welfare, health, and so on.


Doing Islamic dakwah movement, Provincial Executive of Muhammadiyah has a managing board and councils or institutions that function to do Muhammadiyah programs in provincial level. Cadre formation process within Provincial Executive is also done intensively through autonomous organizations of Muhammadiyah in provincial level that has its own segment.


Decision making within Provincial Executive of Muhammadiyah is also done democratically in the form of conference. The highest conference is Provincial Conference of Muhammadiyah that functions to elect a managing board in the area of Provincial Executive of Muhammadiyah, to plan the strategy and program of Muhammadiyah dakwah in the area, to evaluate dakwah movement for previous period, and to decide other things in the conference. Provincial Conference of Muhammadiyah involves all Regional Executives in that provincial area.


In doing dakwah movement, Provincial Executive of Muhammadiyah also cooperates with other elements in society, be it regional government of level I, other mass organizations, NGO, etc.


Regional Executive of Muhammadiyah

Regional Executive of Muhammadiyah is a structural level of Muhammadiyah similar to district. Higher than subdistrict level of Muhammadiyah, Regional Executive of Muhammadiyah has a coordinative function for all Muhammadiyah executives under its region as well as coordinates Islamic dakwah movement around the regional area through many activities such as religion, education, social welfare, etc.


In doing Islamic dakwah movement, Regional Executive of Muhammadiyah has a managing board and councils or institutions that function to carry out Muhammadiyah programs in the region. Similar to district and subdistrict level, cadre formation within Regional Executive of Muhammadiyah is also done intensively through autonomous organizations of Muhammadiyah in the regional level that has its own segment.


Decision making within Regional Executive of Muhammadiyah is also done democratically in the form of conference. The highest conference is Regional Conference of Muhammadiyah that functions to elect a managing board of Regional Executive of Muhammadiyah, to plan the strategy and program of Muhammadiyah dakwah in the region, to evaluate dakwah movement of previous period, and to decide other important things in the conference. Regional conference of Muhammadiyah involves all District and Subdistrict Executives under its regional territory.

In doing its dakwah movement, Regional Executive of Muhammadiyah also cooperates with other elements in society such as level II Regional Government, other mass oraganizations, NGO, etc.


District Executive of Muhammadiyah

District Executive of Muhammadiyah is a structural level of Muhammadiyah similar to kecamatan (sub-district). Higher than Subdistrict Executive of Muhammadiyah, District Executive of Muhammadiyah has a coordinative function for all Muhammadiyah Executives under its district as well as coordinates Islamic dakwah movement around its territory in the form of activities such as religion, education, social welfare, health, etc.

Doing Islamic dakwah movement, District Executive of Muhammadiyah has a managing board and councils or institutions that function to carry out Muhammadiyah program in the district level. Similar to subdistrict level, cadre formation process is done intensively through autonomous organizations of Muhammadiyah in district level that has its own segment.


Similar to subdistrict level, decision making within District Executive of Muhammadiyah is done democratically in the form of conference. The highest conference is District Congress of Muhammadiyah that functions to elect a managing board of District Executive of Muhammadiyah, to plan the strategy and program of Muhammadiyah dakwah around its district, to evaluate dakwah movement of previous period, and to decide important things within the conference. The conference involves all subdistrict executives of Muhammadiyah in the district.


In doing its dakwah movement, District Executive of Muhammadiyah cooperates with other elements in society such as government, other mass organizations, NGO, etc.


 Subdistrict Executive of Muhammadiyah

Subdistrict Executive of Muhammadiyah is the structural level of Muhammadiyah similar to the level of village and is the spearhead of Islamic dakwah movement implemented by Muhammadiyah. Subdistrict Executive of Muhammadiyah is the most real power possessed by Muhammadiyah because in this level movement bases of Muhammadiyah can be really done.


In doing Islamic dakwah movement, Subdistrict Executive of Muhammadiyah has a managing board that functions to carry out Muhammadiyah programs in its territory. Apart from that, for cadre formation process, Subdistrict Executive of Muhammadiyah also does training through autonomous organizations of Muhammadiyah in subdistrict level that has its own segment such as Aisyiyah (Islamic dakwah movement for women), Pemuda Muhammadiyah (Islamic dakwah movement for youth), Nasyi’atul Aisyiyah (Islamic dakwah movement for young women), Ikatan Remaja Muhammadiyah (Islamic dakwah movement for teenagers and students).

Decision making within Subdistrict Executive of Muhammadiyah is done democratically in the form of conference. The highest conference is Subdistrict Congress of Muhammadiyah that functions to elect a managing board of subdistrict level, to plan the program of Muhammadiyah dakwah, to evaluate dakwah movement of previous period, and to decide important things in the conference. The conference involves all Muhammadiyah members in the subdistrict territory.


In doing dakwah movement, Subdistrict Executive of Muhammadiyah also cooperates with other elements in society such as village governance, other mass organizations, NGO, etc. 


Religious Groups of Muhammadiyah


Apart from structural tracks possessed, Muhammadiyah also has groups spreading in public in the form of religious groups. Religious groups of Muhammadiyah are a front line beyond structural tracks that really do Islamic dakwah suitable to the vision and mission of Muhammadiyah in the middle of society.


Usually, religious groups of Muhammadiyah run in a micro scale in the middle of society using mosques as the activity basis. Dakwah activity done within religious groups of Muhammadiyah is varied such as pengajian (the study of Al Quran), volunteer work, charity, gift, alms, etc.


Religious groups of Muhammadiyah spreading in the middle of society run really responsive activity for growing problems in society. Religious groups of Muhammadiyah exist nationwide. They even exist abroad in the name of Pimpinan Cabang Istimewa Muhammadiyah (Special District Executive of Muhammadiyah), for example, in Malaysia, Brunei, Thailand, Singapore, and the Philippine.


(trans by hamzah-uhamka)

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