Saturday, 08 February 2025




Article 1

The name of this organization is Muhammadiyah.

Article 2

Muhammadiyah was founded by K.H. Ahmad Dahlan on Dzulhijjah 8, 1330 in Islamic calendar or November 18, 1912 in Yogyakarta for unlimited time.

Article 3

Muhammadiyah is domiciled in Yogyakarta.


Article 4
Identity and Principle

(1) Muhammadiyah is an Islamic organization with the mission of doing good deeds and abandoning bad ones (Da’wah Amar Ma’ruf Nahi Munkar) and reform (Tajdid), based on Al-Qur`and and As-Sunnah (the sayings and deeds of Prophet Muhammad).
(2) Muhammadiyah is an Islamic-based organization.

Article 5

The symbol of Muhammadiyah is a sun having twelve primary lights with the word Muhammadiyah in the middle that is circled by the two Arabic sentences expressing the Muslim creed (Asyhadu an lã ilãha illa Allãh wa asyhadu anna Muhammadan Rasul Allãh)


Article 6

Muhammadiyah aims to uphold and revere Islam so as to realize a real Islamic society.

Article 7

(1) To achieve the objective, Muhammadiyah acts upon doing good deeds and abandoning bad ones (Da’wah Amar Ma’ruf Nahi Munkar) and reform (Tajdid) that are implemented in all aspects of life.
(2) Muhammadiyah endeavor is translated into charity and service, program, and activities whose type and running are regulated in Bylaws.
(3) Policy maker and person in charge of charity and service, program, and activity are Muhammadiyah Chairman.


Article 8
Member and Rights and Obligations

(1) Muhammadiyah members consist of Common. Extraordinary, and Honorary member:
a. Common Member is an Indonesian Muslim.
b. Extraordinary Member is a non Indonesian Muslim.
c. Honorary Member is a Muslim who has given great contribution to Muhammadiyah and is ready to assist Muhammadiyah with his authority and expertise.
(2) Rights, obligations, and other rules concerning membership are regulated in Bylaws.


Article 9
Organizational Structure

The structure of Muhammadiyah organization consists of:
1. Subdistrict is a group of members in one place or area.
2. District  is a group of subdistricts in a place.
3. Region is a group of districts in a municipality or regency.
4. Province is a group of regions in a provinve.
5. Center is a group of provinces in a country.

Article 10
Organizational Decision

(1) Decision on province and region with their area size is determined by Central Executive Board.
(2) Decision on Distict with its area size is determined by Provincial Executive Board.
(3) Decision on Subdistrict with its area size is determined by Regional Executive Board.
(4) In terms of special occasions, Central Executive Board can take different decision.


Article 11
Central Executive

(1) Central Executive is a top chairman leading Muhammadiyah in general.
(2) Central Executive consists of at least thirteen people who are elected and stipulated by Congress for one term from the candidates proposed by Tanwir (Advisor).
(3) General Chairman of Central Executive is stipulated by congress based on the proposal of elected Central Exective member.
(4) Elected Central Executive member stipulates General Secretary, and it should be announced in a Congress forum.
(5) When required, Central Executive can add its member by proposing to Tanwir.
(6) Central Executive is represented by General Chairman or one of Executive members, along with General Secretary or one of secretariat members, represents Muhammadiyah to act inside and outside the court.

Article 12
Provincial Executive

(1) Provincial Executive leads Muhammadiyah in their area and implements Central Executive’s policy.
(2) Provincial Executive consists of at least eleven people who are stipulated by Central Executive for one term from the candidates proposed in Provincial Congress.
(3) The chairman of Provincial Executive is stipulated by Central Executive based on proposal from elected Provincial Executive member that has been legalized in Provincial Congress.
(4) When required, Provincial Executive can add its member by proposing to Provincial Executive Congress. Then it is stipulated by Central Executive.

Article 13
Regional Executive

(1) Regional Executive leads Muhammadiyah in its area and implements policy from its higher Executive.
(2) Regional Executive consists of at least nine people who are stipulated by Provincial Executive for one term from the candidates of Regional Executive member that have been elected in Regional Congress.
(3) The chairman of Regional Executive is stipulated by Provincial Executive based on proposal of the candidates of elected Regional Executive member that has been legalized in Regional Congress.
(4) When required, Regional Executive can add its member by proposing to Regional Executive Congress. Then it is stipulated by Provincial Executive.

Article 14
District Executive

(1) District Executive leads Muhammadiyah in its district and implements the policies from its higer Executive.
(2) District Executive consists of at least seven people who are stipulated by Regional Executive for one term from the selected candidates in District Congress.
(3) The Chairman of District Executive is stipulated by Regional Executive based on the proposal of the candidates of elected District Executive member that has been legalized in District Comgress.
(4) When required, District Executive can add its member by proposing to District Executive Congress. Then it is stipulated by Regional Executive.

Article 15
Subdistrict Executive

(1) Subdistrict Executive leads Muhammadiyah in its district and implements the policies from its higher Executive.
(2) Subdistrict Executive consists of at least five people who are stipulated by District Executive for one term from the elected candidates in Subdistrict Congress.
(3) The Chairman of Subdistrict Executive is stipulated by District Executive based on the proposal of the candidates of Subdistrict Executive member that has legalized in Subdistrict Congress.
(4) When required, Subdistrict Executive can add its member by proposing to Subdistrict Executive Congress. Then it is stipulated by District Executive.

Article 16
Executive Election

(1) Executive Board consists of Muhammadiyah members.
(2) The election can be done directly or by people appointed (formatur).
(3) The requirements for Executive Board and election process are regulated in Bylaws.

Article 17
Terms of Executive

(1) The term for Central Executive, Provincial Executive, Regional Executive, District Executive, and Subdistrict Executive is five years.
(2) The position for General Chairman of Central Executive, Chairman of Provincial Executive, Chairman of Regional Executive, can be held by the same person for two consecutive terms.
(3) Position transfer of Central Executive is done during Congress that has stipulated new Central Executive. Position transfer of Provincial Executive, Regional Executive, District Executive, and Subdstrict Executive is done after being stipulated by their higher Executive.

 Article 18
Extraordinary Provision

In extraordinary cases concerning article 12 until article 17, Central Executive can take different decisions.

Article 19

(1) Muhammadiyah Executive can appoint advisors.
(2) Provision on advisor appointment is regulated in Bylaws.


Article 20
Council and Institution

(1) The Element of Assistant Executive consists of Council and Institution.
(2) Council is the Element of Assistant Executive that implements part of Muhammadiyah’s primary task.
(3) Institution is the Element of Assistant Executive that implements Muhammadiyah’s supporting task.
(4) Provision on task and form of the Element of Assistant Executive is regulated in Bylaws.


Article 21
Concept and Provision

(1) Autonomous Organization is a unit of organization under Muhammadiyah that possesses an authority to manage its own organization with guidance and supervision by Muhammadiyah Executive.
(2) Autonomous Organization consists of general autonomous organization and special autonomous organization.
(3) Statutes and Bylaws of Autonomous Organization are made by respective autonomous organization based on Statutes and Bylaws of Muhammadiyah.
(4) Formation and dissolution of Autonomous Organization are done by Tanwir.
(5) Another provision concerning autonomous organization is regulated in Bylaws.


Article 22

(1) Congress is the highest conference in Muhammadiyah done by and based upon Central Executive’s responsibility.
(2) Congress participants consist of:
a. Central Executive Board
b. Chairman of Provincial Executive
c. Tanwir member of Provincal Representative
d. Chairman of Regional Executive
e. Regional Representative who is elected by Regional Executive Congress, consisting of District representative based on balanced number of District in each Region.
f. Representative of Autonomous Organization in central level.
(3) Congress is done once in five years.
(4) Agenda and other provisions concerning congress are regulated in Bylaws.

Article 23
Extraordinary Congress

(1) Extraordinary congress is an emergency congress due to dangerous condition for Muhammadiyah or chairmanship vacancy, while Tanwir has no authority to decide.
(2) Extraordinary congress is done by Central Executive based upon the decision of Tanwir.
(3) Provision concerning Extraordinary Congress is regulated in Bylaws.

Article 24

(1) Tanwir is conference in Muhammadiyah prior to Congress. It is done by and based upon Central Executive’s responsibility.
(2) Tanwir member consists of:
a. Member of Central Executive
b. Chairman of Provincial Executive
c. Provincial Representative
d. Representative of Autonomous Organization Executive in central level
(3) Tanwir is held at least three times during the term of Executive.
(4) Agenda and other provisions concerning Tanwir are regulated in Bylaws.

Article 25
Provincial Conference

(1) Provincial Conference is a Muhammadiyah meeting in Province. It is held by Provincial Executive and becomes the responsibility of Provincial Executive.
(2) The member of Provincial Conference consists of:
a. The member of Provincial Executive
b. The Chairman of Regional Executive
c. The member of Provincial Executive Conference representing Region
d. The Chairman of District Executive
e. District Representative elected by District Executive Conference whose number is determined by Provincial Executive based on the balanced number of Subdistrict in each District.
f. Representative of Autonomous Organization Executive in Provincial level.
(3) Provincial Conference is done once in five years.
(4) Agenda and other provisions concerning Provincial Conference are regulated in Bylaws.

Article 26
Regional Conference

(1) Regional Conference is a Muhammadiyah meeting in Region. It is held by Regional Executive and becomes the responsibility of Regional Executive.
(2) The member of Regional Conference consists of:
a. The member of Regional Executive
b. The Chairman of District Executive
c. The member of Regional Executive Conference representing District
d. The chairman of Subdistrict
e. Representative of Subdistrict elected by Subdistrict Executive Conference whose number is determined by Regional Executive based on balanced member.
f. Representative of Autonomous Organization Executive in Regional level.
(3) Regional Conference is held once in five years.
(4) Agenda and other provisions concerning Regional Conference are regulated in Bylaws.

Article 27
District Conference

(1) District Conference is a Muhammadiyah Meeting in District. It is held by District Executive and becomes the responsibility of District Executive.
(2) The member of District Conference consists of:
a. The member of District Executive
b. The Chairman of Subdistrict Executive
c. The member of District Executive Conference representing Subdistrict
d. Representative of Autonomous Organization Executive in District level
(3) District Conference is held once in five years.
(4) Agenda and other provisions concerning District Conference are regulated in Bylaws.

Article 28
Subdistrict Conference

(1) Subdistrict Conference is a Muhammadiyah Meeting in Subdistrict. It is held by Subdistrict Executive and becomes the responsibility of Subdistrict Executive.
(2) The member of Subdistrict Conference consists of:
a. Muhammadiyah member in Subdistrict
b. Representative of Autonomous Organization in Subdistrict level
(3) Subdistrict Conference is held once in five years.
(4) Agenda and other provisions concerning Subdistrict Conference are regulated in Bylaws.

Article 29
Executive Conference

(1) Executive Conference is a meeting of Muhammadiyah from Regional to Subdistrict level that is under Conference at respective level.
(2) Executive Conference is held by Muhammadiyah Executive and becomes the responsibility of Muhammadiyah Executive at respective level.
(3) Agenda and other provisions concerning Executive Conference are regulated in Bylaws.

Article 30
Conference Legitimacy

The conference mentioned in article 22 until article 29, excluding article 23, is pronounced valid when attended by two thirds of the member who are legitimately inivited by Muhammadiyah Executive in respective level.

Article 31
Conference Decision

The Decison of Conference mentioned in article 22 until article 29, excluding article 23, is attempted to be reached through concensus. When the consensus is not reached, voting is implemented.


Article 32
Executive Meeting

(1) Executive Meeting is a meeting of Muhammadiyah in Central, Provincial, and Regional level. It is held by and based upon the responsibility of Muhammadiyah Executive when required.
(2) Executive Meeting discusses the problems of organizational policies.
(3) Other provisions concerning Executive Meeting are regulated in Bylaws.

Article 33
Working Meeting

(1) Working Meeting is a meeting held to discuss everything related to charity and service, program, organizational activity.
(2) Working Meeting is differentiated into two kinds: Executive Working Meeting and Element of Assisstant Executive Working Meeting.
(3) Executive Working Meeting of each level is held at least once in a year.
(4) Element of Assisstant Executive Working Meeting is held twice in one term.
(5) Provision concerning respective kinds of Working Meeting is regulated in Bylaws.

Article 34

(1) Tanfidz is the applicable decision statement of Congress, Tanwir, Conference, and Meeting that is held by Muhammadiyah Executive of respective level.
(2) The decision of Congress, Tanwir, Conference, and Meeting is applicable after it is stated by Muhammadiyah Executive of respective level.
(3) Tanfidz of Decision of Congress, Tanwir, Conference, and Meeting in all level  
a. Editorial
b. Considering expediency
c. Not against Statutes and Bylaws


Article 35

The Finance and assests of Muhammadiyah are all property obtained from legitimate and proper (halal) sources and used in the interest of implementing charity and service, program, and Muhammadiyah activities.

Article 36

The Finance and assests of Muhammadiyah are obtained from:
1. Admission fee, dues, and donation
2. Profit of Muhammadiyah’s rights of ownership
3. Zakat (charity), Infaq (contribution), Shadaqah (alms), Wakaf (bequest), Wasiat (wills), and Hibah (grant)
4. Business operations of Muhammadiyah
5. Other sources

Article 37
Management and Control

Provision concerning finance management and control is regulated in Bylaws.


Article 38

(1) Muhammadiyah Executive at all level is obliged to make a report on organizational development and accountability that shall be delivered at Executive Conference, Conference at respective level, Tanwir, and Congress.
(2) Other provisions concerning the report are regulated in Bylaws.


Article 39

(1) Bylaws clarify and regulate things that are regulated in statutes.
(2) Bylaws are drawn up by Central Executive based on Statutes and legalized by Tanwir.
(3) In the state of highly requiring a change, Central Executive can alter Bylaws until it is legalized by Tanwir.


Article 40

(1) The dissolution of Muhammadiyah can only be done in Extraordinary Congress that is held specifically for that purpose based on the proposal of Tanwir.
(2) Extraordinary Congress that discusses the proposal of Tanwir must be attended at least by two thirds of Extraordinary Congress member.
(3) The decision of dissolution must be taken by at least two thirds of attendee.
(4) Extraordinary Congress decides that all Muhammadiyah property must be delivered for the benefit of Muslims after Muhammadiyah dissolution.


Article 41
Change of Statutes

(1) The change of Statutes is stipulated by Congress.
(2) The plan of changing statutes is proposed by Tanwir and must be included in Congress agenda.
(3) The change of Statutes is pronounced valid when decided by at least two thirds of Congress members who are present.


Article 42

(1) These Statutes have been legalized and stipulated by 45th Congress that lasted from Jumadil Awal 26 to Jumadil Akhir 1, 1426 in Islamic calendar or from July 3 to July 8, 2005 in Malang, and this has been declared applicable since Tanfidz was issued.
(2) After these Statutes are stipulated, the previous ones are declared null and void.

(trans by hmz - uhamka)

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