Friday, 14 February 2025

Autonomous Organization

General Description

Autonomous Organization of Muhammadiyah is an organization or body formed, guided, and controlled by Muhammadiyah organization. The organization is given right and obligation to manage its own organization and to train certain member of Muhammadiyah in particular field in order to reach the objectives of Muhammadiyah. 

Structure and Status

Autonomous Organization of Muhammadiyah as a body having autonomy in managing its own organization has structure network similar to Muhammadiyah, starting from central, provincial, regional, district, subdistrict level, and religious group (pengajian). Autonomous organization of Muhammadiyah is formed within Muhammadiyah circle if it meets the following criteria:
1.       Having special function within Muhammadiyah organization.
2.       Having potential and national scope.
3.       Being the interest of Muhammadiyah organization.
The establishment of Autonomous Organization of Muhammadiyah is determined by Tanwir (The highest conference after Muhammadiyah congress) and is done based on the decision of Central Executive of Muhammadiyah. The objectives of forming an autonomus organization is as follows:
1.       Eficiency and effectiveness of Muhammadiyah organization
2.       Development of Muhammadiyah organization
3.       Dynamism of Muhammadiyah organization
4.       Cadre formation of Muhammadiyah organization
Rights and Obligation

In its capacity as an autonomous organization having an authority to manage its own organization, autonomous organization of Muhammadiyah (ortom) has rights and obligation within Muhammadiyah organization as follows:
1.       Implementing the decision of Muhammadiyah organization.
2.       Maintaining a good name of Muhammadiyah organization.
3.       Training its members to be a good member of Muhammadiyah organization.
4.       Developing a good relationship and cooperation with other ortom.
5.       Reporting all activities to the executive of Muhammadiyah organization.
6.       Placing its members to all activities of charity within Muhammadiyah organization suitable to their talent, interest, and skill.
Autonomous organization of Muhammadiyah has rights as follows:
1.       Managing all activities and charity organized by its organization.
2.       Cooperating with other organizations/bodies outside Muhammadiyah organization.
3.       Suggenting ideas to Muhammadiyah organization when it is asked or based its own initiative.
4.       Financing and managing its own finance.

Autonomous Organization within Muhammadiyah Organization

Autonomous Organizations of Muhammadiyah (ortom) have characteristics and specification in a certain field. The following are autonomous organizations having existed within Muhammadiyah organization :
1.       Aisyiyah (women organization)
2.       Pemuda Muhammadiyah (youth organization)
3.       Nasyiyatul Aisyiyah (young women organization)
4.       Ikatan Pelajar Muhammadiyah (student organization)
5.       Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah (university student organization)
6.       Tapak Suci Putra Muhammadiyah (martial art)
7.       Hizbul Wathan (boy scout)

(trans by hamzah - uhamka)

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