Monday, 11-04-2011
Medan- In general, there is no doubt that there are still many complaints from society about the quality of education, especially in North Sumatra. These conditions must provide effects on the North Sumatra Muhammadiyah University (UMSU). Due to this condition , UMSU has made efforts to develope the quality of education. Besides mastering science, students are also encouraged to have the ability to entrepreneurship by strengthening of existing bases.
This was conveyed by Drs. .Agussani MAP, rector UMSU in front of 556 graduates and thousands of graduates' families on Saturday morning, 04/09/2011 at Convention Hall Jalan Listrik Medan. The graduation consists of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education 63 people, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences , 34 people, the Faculty of Islamic Study, 25 people, Faculty of Agriculture ,10 people, Faculty of Economics, 281 people, 72 graduates of Faculty of Law, 28 graduates of Faculty of engineering, and 45 Masters of of Law Program.
The Rector also said that the learning process was designed and developed in line with a web-based learning. Today UMSU students can enrich and get access references freely prodided by the university; therefore, they should be encouraged to be able to think and have global perspective , but they have to consider the norms and behaviors in accordance with value and cultural character of the nation.
Drs. Agussani MAP further said that at this time UMSU lecturers are encouraged continuously to develop and improve their education qualifications and competence to Master (S2) and Doctorate (S3) levels as the mandate of the law No. 14 year 2005. The university has granted at least 3 lecturers to continue their study at doctorat program, now it has 20 doctors in variety of diciplines.
Meanwhile, Drs. Anwar Bakti, UMSU Public Relations Bureau Chief in his statement on a number of media that covered the graduation ceremony, said that one was selected as a participant graduation with the highest GPA was Emlida Khairani M. SE, a child of the couple Uli Manurung and Zuraidah. Shei graduated from S1 management program, economics faculty with a GPA 3.8. Drs. Anwar also said that there are 15,344 students and 28,229 alumni.
The UMSU graduation ceremony was attended by a Chief Coordinator of Kopertis Region I, Co-ordinator Kopertais Region-IX of North Sumatra, UMSU Senate, Chairman of North Sumatra Muhammadiyah Region and its ranks autonomous orgranizations of Muhammadiyah and other guests.
translated by nh/uhamka