Yogyakarta- University-level education institution is basically a mean of developing skills with knowledge given in lectures. Ability which is often referred hardskill subsequently summarized in a final score of each semester as an assignment of each student. Further, the English Education Study Program University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (PBI UMY) also requires its students to have a teaching qualification before graduating.
According to one lecturer at PBI UMY Jati Suryanto, S.Pd. Dipl. TESOL., the English Eduation program is targeting 20% of students had a job as a faculty member at least in informal education institution. Currently, 10 of 72 students of PBI UMY has already been listed as teaching staff in some education institutions in Yogyakarta. This number approximately reached 13% of all students in the department that was recently established past one year.
In a system of Competency Based Curriculum (KBK), which has been being used at PBI UMY students are directed toward autonomous learning that requires them to learn independently. It is applied in every lecture at UMY PBI. According to Jati, this independence can also be achieved by directly applying knowledge gained. For such purpose, the target is set.
Jati further explained, to reach this target, the students can not solely equipped by hardskill learned in the classroom. To become a teacher, one is also expected to have softskill. Especially when you graduate and work in full time, the ability to communicate, deal and work with people and other things are also abilities that need to be supported during the lectures. "One of them uphold a Bridging Course for softskill training for all students," he continues.
The training "Bridging Course for softskill" explained Jati is a PBI training upheld by PBI UMY to instill the values that need to be developed while engaging within community. This is so that it can integrate existing hardskil and softskill. This training will be held continuously until semester 6 with a variety of materials. The first training was held last Wednesday-Thursday (5-6/4) and serving material Achievement Motivation Training and 7 Habit of Highly Effect People.
Jati who is also involved in this training trainers with the head of the English Education Department, Endro Dwi Hatmanto, S.Pd., MA, said that motivation was given at the beginning of training with the intention of forming habits in student achievement. In achieving this outstanding custom Jati showed terms of knowledge, ability, and attitude and mentality as the keys. "Motivation is a prior key before someone else gets the achievement", he explained.
In 7 Habit of Highly Effect People, Jati revealed that 7 of these positive habits for students can be trained to break away from natural dependence. This independent behavior is, Jati expected, to make students have freedom to respond to every social condition. "If we know the term in Islamic as piety and social individual. This habit is such a proactive stance, start with objectives, priorities and eventually must keep honing skills. " Jati clarified.
Finally, Jati explains that both existing lectures and training courses are sustainably to assist student achieve early objectives of the establishment of PBI UMY. PBI UMY was founded in order to produce quality of English language educators, both teachers, lecturers, and faculty in tutoring guidance. Jati also expected the students were able to become employees using English as a capital. "We also teach them to become entrepreneurs during the lectures. The hope may be to set up their own tutoring English institution", he hoped.
(Trans by hm-uhamka)