Yogyakarta- Phenomena of conflict, violence, intimidation and terror wildly spread and seemingly have been chosen as a way of life by some people in social community. Embedding the values of peace in schools, boarding schools and campuses has not been successfully assessed to be one cause.
This was spoken out by Head of Islamic Education Program - University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (PAI - UMY), Nurwanto, MA., M.Ed., in National Seminar on 'Urgency of Islamic Education for Peace: Promoting Re-Orientation and School Curriculum, Madrasah and Pesantren 'on Tuesday (04/19/2011) Integrated Campus UMY.
The fact particularly harms the ideas for Islamic movement sounding of peace than violence. “As stated inSurahAn-Nahl verse125whichconfirmsthat themissionorsolicitationfor the bettermustbepersuasiveandargumentative. It alsomust complywith thepropheticmissiontocarryandspread theloveofallcreatures,"he said.
This is actually contrary to the ideas for action in the struggle of Islam is peace not violence. "As stated in Surah An-Nahl verse 125 which confirms that the mission or solicitation for the better must be persuasive and argumentative. It also must comply with the prophetic mission to carry and spread the love of all creatures, "he said.
Nurwanto hopes by embedding the values of peace among students at school, students in boarding schools and students at campus to encourage them in doing everything to support peace.
“Misalnya siswa sekolah atau pesantren bisa melalui majalah dinding atau mading, poster-poster. Lalu mahasiswa melakukan diskusi, pembuatan bulletin, majalah dan lainnya ”tegasnya.
"For example, schools or boarding school students can promote peace through walls or mading magazines, posters. Then the students may have discussion, making bulletins, magazines and others,” he adds.
Meanwhile, Lecturer from FISIP UMY, Dr. Zully Qadir in the same occasion outlined efforts of engaging justice and peace through various things. "Creating sense of security in economic access for all witout seeing social class, access to public health. Feeling secured in politics, education, safe in public space and others," he explained.
Related to the practice of peace education, in his view, it can be pioneered by subject matter in junior high schools, high schools and universities. "In higher education such as lectures at the S1 level. Materials offered could be ethnic and religious peace in Indonesia," he added.
If it is not given an outstanding course material, this may be combined in one discussion of any specific subjects. "Like the Civic Education reflecting daily nature to shape characters of students or learners. In addition, educating students about peace may also be included in the subject matter of extra activities such as field visits or field trips as well as in elective courses." He said. (Umy.ac.id)
(Trans by hm-uhamka)