Yogyakarta- Environmental issues we're dealing with are not purely issues in science and technology. Ecological damage is cumulative damage due to systems far beyond the divine values. Muslims are expected to unite and rise up to be able to offer alternatives of saving the environment.
This was said by PP Muhammadiyah Chairman Prof. Dr. H. Din Syamsuddin in the opening of Seminar and National Congress of Muhammdiyah Environment Council at Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta on last Tuesday (04/19/2011).
Din further stated that ecological destruction is a form of "modern shirk" that must be resisted. "Destruction of the environment is a manifestation of polytheism. And Muhammadiyah is committed and decisively to enforce monotheism. So modern shirk that applied in such acts of environmental destruction have to be faced together ," said Din.
Moreover, Din said that act protecting environment is a reflection of one's faith. "Maintaining cleanliness is part of faith. Love the country is part of a manifestation of faith. I want to say that maintaining environment is also a manifestation of faith," he said.
In future, Din Muhammadiyah expects Muhammadiyah cadres could be involved directly within program of action to save the environment and not just to think, discuss and advocate.
In the same place, the Minister of Environment Prof. Dr. Ir. Gusti Mohammad Hatta, MS in his speech read by his Staff Legal Affairs and Relations between the Ministry of the Environment Agency Najib Dahlan, SH states that a coherent cooperation is required between government and society for successful protection and environmental management.
"Efforts to protect, conserve, and manage the environment is not only responsibility and obligation of government solely, but also requires participation and active role of all components of society, nongovernmental organizations, businesses, and educational institutions and universities" he said.
Gusti also views that the Muhammadiyah is the right strategic partner for the government in efforts to save the environment. It was because Muhammadiyah is one public organization that has a big role in public life, especially in field of education.
"We (government) hope that the environmental load can be integrated and synergized with programs and activities of Muhammadiyah, both in education curriculum and extra curricular activities that include environmental material on teaching and learning activities, preaching and religious lectures themed environment, the movement and real action with the community in protecting and managing the environment "said Gusti.
The Signing of the MoU and the Launching Shodaqoh Trash Movement
Along with this event, it was also signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between PP Muhammadiyah with the Ministry of Environment. The signing of the MoU was made by Din Syamsuddin and Najib Dahlan. Shodaqoh Trash Movement and Rescue Program Center For Environmental Studies (PSL) Muhammadiyah Universities (PTM) across the nation were also launched by the Chairman of Muhammadiyah. (Umy.ac.id)
(Trans by hm-uhamka)