Pontianak - Inauguration of Regional Executive of Muhammadiyah Student Association West Kalimantan (Kalbar HDI PW) period 2011 -2013, alhamudilillah completed, this means that the new committees have been inaugurated. The event was held on 24 April 2011 in hall SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pontianak, which was attended by regional executive of Muhammadiyah West Kalimantan, the Central Executive Muhammadiyah Students Association, directly attended by Latif Ajron, along with invited guests.
Meanwhile, in his speech, the new executive Ipmawan Muliani, said that PW IPM West Kalimantan has risen after 8-year-sleep for not being actively engaged in student circles. IPM must take part in all respects, especially in matters of Muhammadiyah and the Government, and may revive the spirit of organanization life among students especially in west Kalimantan. In addition, IPM is the first step of cadre process in Muhammadiyah organization.
Thus, it turns out into main tasks of PW IPM period 2011-2013 in rebuilding IPM in West Kalimantan from the regional executive to branch executive (Muhammadiyah schools). The new PW IPM committees proposed on cadre and cadre Development, 1700 Da'i students in West Kalimantan, and Science Olympiad Student Magazine, Art and Culture Exhibition, etc.
The central executive of IPM, Latif Ajron advised that this cadre of IPM in West Kalimantan can exist and be a cadre that can be exemplified by students in terms of worship, organization, and achievement, so as to realize the IPM as home of creative students in Indonesia. IPM was ever awarded as Best Student Organization of across Southeast Asia (ASEAN TAYOUTH), this should be a motivation and a new spirit for other friends to be active and get involved in IPM.
In brief tausiyah of Muhammadiyah regional executive Kalbar “IPM is one of the autonomous Muhammadiyah organization (Ortom) that play a role in Islam movement preaching kindness and resist wrongdoing among students. IPM is also capable of self positioning as front guard, as a pioneer, sustainer, and complement of charitable efforts of Muhammadiyah. PWM Kalbar look forward to his cadre of IPM that they should be able to get up and laying early foundation because IPM is one of the initial level of militancy of a cadre of strong Muhammadiyah so they can replace our position as leaders in Muhammadiyah,” said Father Abraham Norsam, Dr. M.kes. (www.ipm.or.id)
(Trans by hm-uhamka)