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Initial movement, MPI DIY develops information technology

Yogyakarta- Muhammadiyah and information technology are synergizing amongst in developing real communities and information technology is appropriate support of Dakwah  amar makruf nahi munkar. Thus, Muhammadiyah should be able to develop the advanced growing of information technology.

This was expressed by H Abunda Farouk, Vice Chairman of PWM DIY, when opening the workshop "Information Technology", on Sunday (04/24/2011), in SMK Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. In his concern, the speed and accuracy of this information is urgently needed by Muhammadiyah.

The event participated by councils andinstitutions as well as representatives of autonomous organizations DIY and council of Library and Information PDM across DIY is important for thesustainability of of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta .

"Many of Muhammadiyah activities held, but less media to broadcast the event. Process of informing public is of necessity for the charity effortand the branches in territory of Muhammadiyah," explained Chairman of the council of Library and Information DIY PWM, Jefree Fahana, ST.

Hasil dari workshop itu untuk meningkatkan pengelolaan website Pimpinan Muhammadiyah Wilayah DIY serta penguasaan teknik reportase dan penulisan realese berita sekaligus sosialisasi Muhammadiyah go Open Source (Mugos). Juga meningkatkan kemampuan dalam menggunakan dan memanfaatkan website PWM DIY sebagai media komunikasi, media informasi dan media dakwah persyarikatan serta digunakannya sistem operasi yang legal oleh Pimpinan Muhammadiyah. Materi disampaikan Drs Heru Prasetya (Pembuatan Berita), Cakra Aminuddin, ST (Pemanfaatan Website) dan Maryono, SPd, MT (Mugos).

Results of theworkshop was to improve the management of Muhammadiyah Regional Executive Board website as well as the mastery of writing techniques, releasing news reportage and dissemination of Muhammadiyah go Open Source (Mugos)as well. It also increases the ability of using and taking advantage of PWM DIY website as a medium of communication, media information and propaganda media for the organization and legal use of the operating system by the Executive Board of Muhammadiyah. The materials were presented by Drs Heru Prasetya (Making News), Cakra Aminuddin, ST (Utilization Website) and Maryono, Spd, MT (Mugos).

DIY PWM is committed to move and optimally utilize the development of rapid increasing of advanced information technology. "This is where information technology-based media presence is needed," said Jefree.

 (Trans by hm-uhamka)


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