Yogyakarta- Government should temporary suspend permission of modern market construction. The more modern market expansion harms both in terms of economic aspects and social aspects. From the economic aspect, the presence of modern retailers turned out to be real late decision which resulted in pressuring traditional markets and actors of Micro and Medium Enterprises (UMKM), which develop the business shops, grocery stores and so forth. Many traditional markets and shops remain empty of visitors and out of business because its incapability to compete with modern markets.
This was expressed by chairman of Muhammadiyah Advocacy Institute of Wisdom DIY Province, Arif Jamali Muis contacted via telephone on Sunday (05/01/2011). According to Arif Jamali, from the social aspect, some modern market also carries badness like to sell liquor (alcohol). The uncontrolled sales of alcohol will threat the process of forming religious moral character of young generation.
"Thus, the Wisdom And Public Policy Institute (LHKP) provincial executive board of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta urged to local governments to temporarily suspend permission of modern market construction. At the time of this temporary permission was carried out, then the government should restructure the development of modern markets, particularly related to the zoning aspects, operational aspects of time and partnerships with actors of UMKM. In this aspect of zoning recently has been impressed no strict control. Many modern retailers exist near traditional markets, "he explained.
Arif Jamali added, in terms of operational time, modern retailers remain open 24 hours. Likewise, limited space is brought out by the modern market for UMKM products. The absence of this strict regulation will ultimately lead to exactly the traditional markets and actors of UMKM slowly ran out of business.
Further according to high school teachers of Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta, draft a modern market that is currently issued by the Parliament of DIY need to incorporate these aspects clearly. There should be clear rules about zoning restrictions distance between the modern market with traditional markets and small shops as well. Then there should be regulation of operating time in line with maximum limits of modern retail may operate. While in the aspect of partnership, there should be strict rules on how the percentage of modern retail space should be reserved for UMKM products. Furthermore, the regulations will also need to be clearly defined, that modern retail is strictly prohibited to sell products that can cause moral damage to the younger generation such as alcohol.
"In line with modern market management, the LHKP PWM DIY also encourages government to make efforts of revitalizing the traditional market. This revitalization includes the improvement of spatial / design market, improvement of the management, improved hygiene so that traditional markets become comfortable for the visitors. This is how traditional markets and actors UMKM can exist amid the aggressive expansion of the modern market, "he concluded.
(Trans by hm-uhamka)