Medan -Conditions along 10 kilometers Merdeka coast in Kuala Bagan village, Tanjung Beringin District, Serdang Bedagai, is already worrying. It is, about 50 percent of coastal beaches suffered considerable damage. And it happened because of lack of supervision from the coast residents.
To prevent even worse conditions, students of the Faculty of Law Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra (UMSU), with participations of coastal community planted 5000 mangrove in coastal locations witnessed by the Head Office of Environment (KLH) Bedagai Serdang, Drs. Burhanuddin Nasution, SH., MH, Representative Office of Forestry and Agriculture Serdang Bedagai, M. Said, and Sergai Regent Expert on Development Sector, Ir H Sucipto Lumbantobing on Wednesday (04/27/2011).
Executive coordinator, Heri Kurniawan accompanied by Farid Wajdi, SH, M. Hum and Faisal, SH, M. Hum, Dean and Vice Dean III of the Faculty of Law UMSU said the tree planting activity done by 70 UMSU FH students as part of community service. Faisal added the tree planting carried out within the framework of celebrations ahead of third decade of the Faculty of Law as a form of embodiment of a three university dharma in part of community service and to support government's program of planting one billion trees. Memorial momentum of tree planting welcomed earth day celebrated annually on 22 April. He appealed to the community to sustainably keep the environment and stop illegal logging of mangrove trees.
Meanwhile, Kuala Bagan village chief, Syahroni accompanied by Kuala Bagan community leaders Tahir, said that he welcomed the students' activities that pay attention to coastal condition and hope the government to continuously involve. Thus, mangrove plants can be kept, away from the threat of erosion, he said, hoping to successfully mangrove planting, and benefit the society Sergai especially Kuala Bagan and surrounding villages. One of the participants Doni said he was very enthusiastic to join this tree planting, as you may feel the direct impact of mangrove forest destruction. He said communities need to be made aware in a way to plant a tree directly and not just mere theories.
(Trans by hm-uhamka)