MUHAMMADIYAH. ID, MALAYSIA – The Central Board of Muhammadiyah attended an invitation from Ministry of Education of Malaysia on Wednesday (1/5). Both parties discussed cooperation to establish Muhammadiyah higher education in Malaysia.
Prior to being present at the invitation, a group of people of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah had a meeting with Muhammmadiyah Special Branch (PCIM) of Malaysia.
At the meeting, General Chairman of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir stated that the PCIM of Malaysia is the greatest PCIM among 27 PCIMs in the world since it has 7 special subdistrict branches and 5 Aisyiyah special branches.
“This tough foundation exists due to collaboration between Muhammadiyah members and students in Kuala Lumpur,” declared Haedar.
According to Haedar, Muhammadiyah is a wasilah (medium), namely as a place to communicate, a Muhammadiyah spokesman overseas and a center for Muhammadiyah activities.
Haedar added that the PCIM functions to disseminate missions of tajdid (reform) and Islam Berkemajuan (Islam with progress).
“The notion of Islam Berkemajuan is internationally promoted by the PCIM,” stated Haedar.
The world has praised and acknowledged Muhammadiyah as well as become familiar with Islam Berkemajuan.
Besides, Haedar talked about a plan of an establishment of Muhammadiyah higher education in Malaysia.
“Even though we encounter a lot of barriers to founding the Muhmmadiyah higher education in Malaysia, we have to be patient instead of being melancholic. We should confront the obstacles positively,” advised Haedar.
Last, Haedar told that the PCIM and brotherhood should be maintained.
“Muhammadiyah fraternity is strong since we help one another,” asserted Haedar.
Additionally, a group of people of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah going to Malaysia along with the Genereal Chairman were Chairman of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Bachtiar Effendy, General Secretary of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Abdul Mu’ti, Head of Council of Higher Education, Research, and Development of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah, and rectors of Muhammmadiyah Higher Education.