MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, BANTEN – Pengajian Ramadan (Ramadan Preaching) of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah was officially opened by the General Chairman Haedar Nashir at Hall of Syafruddin Prawiranegara, Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Ahmad Dahlan (ITB-AD) Ciputat, on Monday (12/5).
The preaching was attended by 629 participants from Muhammadiyah/’Aisyiyah regional boards, local boards, offices, and autonomous organizations of various regions.
Rector of ITB-AD Mukhaer Rakkana informed that the preaching was conducted under the theme of ‘Minutes of Enlightenment in the Life of Integrity and Nationality: Theological, Ideological and Practical Overviews.’
“The theme refers to a result of Muhammadiyah tanwir meeting which emboldens people to disseminate Islamic messages and practices regarding humanity and nationality,” declared Mukhaer.
He added it is often found in a daily life that Islamic practices have not represented enlightenment as spreading hoax news and hatred as well as different attitudes between oral and deeds/
Additionally, several topics were delivered at the preaching, namely Wasathiyah Islam: Its Meaning and Constituency in Building Civilization of the Nation, Islam and Democracy for National Sovereignty and Unity, Reinvention of National Education for Strengthening Characters and Civilization of the Nation, Strengthening an Identity of Islam with Progress in the Post-Truth Era, Reconstruction and Revitalization of Pancasila Economy in Achieving Social Justice, Wasathiyah Islam in the Context of Peace and Global Civilization, Islam: Indonesian Democratization and Politics after the 2019 Elections, Value Transformation of the Minutes of Enlightenment in the Development of Women, and Serving Islam: Actualization of the Minutes of Enlightenment in Philanthropy and Humanity.
“The topics are presented by 21 speakers for three days,” told Mukhaer.
He also thanked the Central Board of Muhammadiyah for selecting the ITB-AS to host the preaching.