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Home/ News/ Six Dakwah Foci of the LPCR of Muhmmadiyah

Six Dakwah Foci of the LPCR of Muhmmadiyah

MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, BANTUL – Muhammadiyah has possessed ideal concepts, but many of them has yet been transformed into actions. Thus, it is essential to striving for the actions in Muhammadiyah district and subdistrict boards.

The aforementioned statements are an important note for Ahmad Norma Permata, Head of District and Subdistrict Branch Development Office (LPRC) of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah. He stated the ideas at Pengajian Ramadhan (Ramadhan Preaching) 1440 H conducted at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) on Saturday evening (11/5).

Ahmad Norma mentioned that the LPCR focuses on six aspects of dakwah, namely fostering people, organizations and leadership, Muhamamdiyah charity (AUM), economic independence, mobilization, and Islamic teaching dissemination.

The six aspects lead the branch broads to be excellent besides roles of youths in the branch boards.

Based on an observation of the LPCR, the branch boards are driven by youths who are 40 years old or under 40. For instance, Muhammadiyah branch of Sepanjang, Taman, Sidoarjo became the winner of the excellent branch 2018.

“The more youths in the Muhammadiyah branches, the more developed the branches,” conveyed Ahmad.

Additionally, the LPCR emphasized significance of branch development acceleration strategies. It can be undertaken through increasing the meeting frequency with leaders, mobilizing Angkatan Muda Muhammadiyah (AMM), and serving community.

“Meetings are breath, and funding is blood of an organization. Hence, the LPCR has integrity to serve people,” asserted Ahmad.


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