Yogyakarta - Law and reformation (Tajdid and Tarjih) Council of Muhammadiyah central executive recently held a Thematic interpretation on Islamic Life for Muhammadiyah people (PHIWM), on Thursday, May 5, 2011 at the Office of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Jalan Cik Ditiro 23. This study aimed to examine in depth the verses of the Koran that are used in PHIWM book for its arguments are still very general. With this study, participants are expected to understand PHIWM more, as well as disseminate it to nearby citizens of Muhammadiyah.
PHIWM Study is held bi-monthly, with participants from the elements and Tadjid and Tarjih council of Muhammadiyah, representatives of Tadjid and Tarjih council PWM DIY, Tadjid and Tarjih council PDM across DIY and representatives of Ortom. In event, Prof. Dr. H. Yunahar Ilyas, Lc. MA, Central Executive Board of Muhammadiyah, presented the topic of "Building the Sakinah Istiqamah Family Generation", which raised a few paragraphs on the part of Islamic life in the Family.
Prof. Yunahar said, according to the instructions of the Koran, that in principle, a leader in the family is a husband, with two terms, the first is due to value given by God to men (husbands) and the second is responsibility of providing living given by God through her husband. But if a man (husband) loses or does not have the two conditions, its right to be leaders dismissed. In addition, Prof. Yunahar answering a question from participant, said that currently Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah have pioneered a dating service, not just a family consulting firm. This is because not a few of young people in Muhammadiyah who need help to find their soul mate.
(Trans by hm-uhamka)