MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, SURAKARTA - Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) has widely developed and it is pride of Muhammadiyah. Indeed, UMY just accomplished construction of Editorium for the 48th Muhammadiyah congress.
The aforementioned statement was declared by General Chairman of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir after told by Rector of UMS Sofyan Arif at Pengajian Ramadan (Ramadan preaching) 1440 H conducted at Auditorium of Mohammad Djazman of UMY on Saturday (25/5).
“This Edutorium is long, splendid, environmentally friendly, and modern. I felt that I am inside the building just by seeing I,” expressed Haedar.
Haedar was glad that Muhammadiyah institutions in several regions have developed astonishingly in terms physical and academic aspects. Those showed a journey of Muhammadiyah.
“Insya Allah the existence of Muhammadiyah higher education denotes dakwah of Al Amr Bil Ma’ruf wan Nahi ‘Anil Mungkar. We have encounter bitters and sweets of establishing Muhammadiyah,” stated Haedar.
Thus, on the behalf of Muhammadiyah, Haedar thanked to all offices, leaders, and all charities of Muhammadiyah including UMS.
“Due to your endeavor, Muhammadiyah can be developed,” declared Haedar.
He advised Muhammadiyah people not to be complacent since Muhammadiyah’s journey still takes long efforts. Hence, Muhammadiyah should focus on teaching people and improving attitudes as Prophet Muhammad orders us to do. Muhammadiyah brings an idea of innama buistu liutammima makarimal akhlak.
According to Haedar, Muhammadiyah has huge potential to embody true Muslims. Then, how do true Muslims look like? Based on documents of the 37th Muhammadiyah congress, ten characteristics of true Muslims are as follows:
First, the people believe in God and religion and they know how to give faith in God and perform religious practives. Many people wish to have spirituality without believing in God and religion as what occurs in Western as mentioned Huston Smith.
Second, they maintain brotherhood.
Third, they have good morals and are civilized. The courtesy is a reflection of the morals in public and a social life.
Fourth, they obey shariah laws.
Fifth, they live in welfare so that they do not allow themselves to be dhuafa mustad’afin.
Sixth, they love having discussions and Muhmmadiyah always implements it.
Seventh, they are pious since the piousness is incredible virtue.
Eight, they have been progressive.
Ninth, they possess leadership skills.
Tenth, they obey social orders.