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Home/ News/ Preserving Togetherness, Pemuda Muhammadiyah Shares Thousands of Takjil

Preserving Togetherness, Pemuda Muhammadiyah Shares Thousands of Takjil

MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, JAKARTA - Led by General Chairman of Pemuda Muhammadiyah (the youth wing of Muhammadiyah) Sunanto, the Pemuda Muhamadiyah shared takjil (snacks to break the fast) in four different areas of Jakarta on Wednesday (29/5).

Sunanto stated that the takjil sharing implies to spread peace and unity of this nation in post-elections.

“What we do aims to preserve our togetherness as one nation,” expressed Sunanto,

Along with organizers of the Pemuda Muhammadiyah and KOKAM, 3,000 boxes of food were distributed to community and officials passing around Monumen Nasional, Bundaran HI, Bawaslu Building, Building of the General Election Commission (KPU) of the Republic of Indonesia.

Through the action, Sunanto would like to tell that Indonesia is safe and fine. He emphasized that a sense of the unity of Indonesia should be reinforced to uphold the sovereignty of this nation.

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