MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, SAMARINDA - A gathering of Idul Fitri 1440 H was utilized by Muhammadiyah Regional Board of Kalimantan Timur raised charity for flood victims in Samarinda. Gaining 25,988,000 rupiahs, the amount of money would be used to purchase food, medicines, and other stuffs needed by the victims.
Conducted at Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur (UMKT) on Saturday (15/6), the gathering brought a theme of ‘Silaturahim Reinforces the Unity of This Nation.”
The gathering was attended by Chairman of Muhammadiyah Goodwill Zubir, Chairman of Muhammadiyah Regional Board of Kalimantan Timur Suyatman, Vice Governor of Kalimantan Timur Hadi Mulyadi, and Muhammadiyah Local Board of Samarinda Masumi, and Head of Forum Kebangsaan Kaltim (Kalimantan Timur National Forum) Jos Soetomo.
At the gathering, Chairman of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Goodwill Zubir advised all Muhammadiyah cadres of Kalimantan Timur to be better after Ramadan. He stated that Muhammadiyah of Kalimantan Timur should benefit other people and create life as one nation in Kalimantan Timur.
“We have to create a momentum to be better people after Ramadan. If not, our fasting is not successful,” conveyed Goodwill.
Meanwhile, Chairman of Muhammadiyah Regional Board of Kalimantan Timur Suyatman stated that Muhammadiyah of Kalimantan Timut commits to bring benefits for people, and his parties are ready to assist flood victims in Samarinda and other areas.
“Muhamamdiyah is willingly to help flood victims wherever they are. We now provide aids in our own area (Kalimantan Timur),” declared Suyatman.
Additionally, Vice Governor of Kalimantan Timur Hadi Mulyadi appreciated programs of Muhammadiyah of Kalimantan Timur. As a person grew in a Muhammadiyah environment, Hadi was taught to perform Islam as guidance of Prophet Muhammad Shalallahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam and to help other Muslims.
“Muhammadiyah people learn to give empathy to other Muslims in term of sensitivity (empathy), capacity (enhancing self capacity), and collectivity (assisting one another),” mentioned Hadi.