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Home/ News/ Consolidating Microfinance, BMT of Pekalongan Establishes a BMT Center

Consolidating Microfinance, BMT of Pekalongan Establishes a BMT Center

MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, PEKALONGAN – After merging 12 Baitul Tanwil Muhammadiyah (BMT) in Pekalongan, the BMT of Pekalongan constructed a new center of BMT in Kajen, Pekalongan on Monday (17/6).

After an inauguration of the BMT center of Pekalongan, it was conducted an Islamic preaching and silaturahim of Muhammadiyah of Pekalongan with Chairman of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah for Economic Sectors Anwar Abbas on Sunday (16/6). Head of the BMT Achmad Suud informed that consolidation and network integration of BMT across Pekalongan are centered at the new office.

“Having three floors, the center of BMT of Pekalongan is a pride of BMT members and Muhammadiyah people of Pekalongan,” expressed Suud.

Besides being a financial service center, the BMT is utilized by BMT members to develop human resources, to conduct seminars on sharia economy, and to educate BMT members.

In addition, Regent of Pekalongan Asip Kholbihi who also attended the inauguration conveyed that roles and functions of the BMT of Pekalingan are perceived by Pekalongan people. According to Asip, the macro finance of Pekalongan Regency in 2018 showed that the economic acceleration rate was 5.35% higher than the 2017 rate, 5.28%.

Asip believed that the BMT of Pekalongan has contributed to the development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

“Thus, we will always synergize with the BMT to foster Pekalongan Regency,” emphasized Asip.

Concrete Implementation of the Third Pillar of Muhammadiyah

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah for Economic Sectors Anwar Abbas maintained that BMT development undertaken by Muhammadiyah in Indonesia is a concrete application of the third pillar of Muhammadiyah, namely economy.

“The Central Board of Muhammadiyah entirely support all efforts of BMT Center to build BTM network throughout Indonesia,” declared Anwar.

“To disseminate Muhammadiyah Microfinance Movement in establishing one Muhammadiyah local board (PDM) one BMT, Anwar Abbas will bolster the BMT national event in Pekalongan attended by leaders of Muhammadiyah regional boards (PWM) and PDM across Indonesia.

The event enables PWM and PDM which have not had BTM to learn how to found BMT as a Muhammadiyah financial center.

Indeed, public trust to BMT is mostly given by Ministry of Cooperative and Small and Medium Enterprises, Ministry of Finance, KNKS, Bank Indonesia, and Financial Service Authority (OJK). They cooperate with BMT to run SME development programs. Sharia banking and insurance also perform also assist BMT to operate its programs.

“We expect that the BMT can become a strong financial office to support national economic development,” asserted Anwar Abbas.


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