MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, SUMENEP - Responding to a sinking ferry, Arim Jaya, in Romben Barat, Dungkek, Sumenep on Tuesday (18/6), ‘Aisyiyah Local Board (PDA) of Sumenep engaged in handling victims.
The PDA did not get involved in missing people, but took care of the dead. After identified by a team of Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) dr. H. Moh. Anwar, Sumenep, ‘Aisyiyah treated 19 bodies.
‘Aisyiyah washed and dressed the deceased at the RSUD dr. H. Moh. Anwar, Sumenep so that the dead were ready to be buried by their family.
‘Aisyiyah’s engagement in the body handing was because most of victims at the hospital were children and women and the ‘Aisyiyah team has had experiences in providing religious training.
Afterwards, the bodies was prayed at masjid of the hospital and the imam (a prayer leader) was Chairman of Muhammadiyah Local Board of Sumenep Mohammad Yasin.
Indeed, ‘Aisyiyah took care of the 19 bodies on Tuesday (18/6) from 3 p.m. to midnight. Meanwhile other dead were treated after the missing victims were found on Wednesday (19/6).