MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, SEPANJANG - Muhammadiyah now is confronting issues of Tahayul, Bid’ah, and Khurafat (TBC) not only in the real life but on social media.
“Hate speech, slander, and gossip have become a malady in community, particularly Muslims, when using social media,” declared Chairman of Muhamamdiyah Branch of Sepanjang Abdul Karim Baisa in a gathering ‘Silaturahim Muhammadiyah Sepanjang’ attended by General Chairman of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir on Sunday (23/6).
Karim conveyed that Muhammadiyah as a enlightenment movement should play active roles in muffling bad behaviors on social media.
“If Muhammadiyah people perform bad deeds on social media, they are not enlightened,” asserted Karim.
Meanwhile, Haedar Nashir stated that, due to social media, some people especially Muslims are accustomed to thinking irrationally, easily get mad, and spread hate speech and hoaxes.
“Thus, Muslims are supposed to be gentle and high-minded. They, indeed, should have virtues and imsak (refrain themselves) from social media,” emphasized Haedar.