Yogyakarta– Students from Electrical engineering faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (KMTE UMY) held the event Robotech 2011: Line Follower Robot Competition for High School Level / vocational school or equivalent a DIY- Central Java. Located at UMY integrated campus, the competition was followed by 52 teams from 17 schools on Saturday-Sunday (7-8 May).
According to Fajar Eka Septyadi, chairman of the committee, Robotech 2011 is the first robot contest held by UMY. While the racing robotic line follower itself was chosen because it is relatively easy to follow upper secondary school students than any other robot competitions.
Fajar hoped this activity could motivate high school students to learn technology, especially the field of robotics and for the years ahead could be attended by more participants.
Team Padmanabot II from SMAN 3 Yogyakarta took the first place. Meanwhile, the second to the fourth position were occupied by the team SMANSAGA Robo ONE from SMAN 1 Ngaglik, Gathot Glass from SMKN 3 Yogyakarta and Nine Tracker from SMA 9 Yogyakarta.
For the best technology category was taken by Padmanabot I (SMAN 3 Yogyakarta) and the runner-up by Eleven RI (SMAN 11 Yogyakarta).
Pemenang kategori desain terbaik oleh tim Hediys (SMKN 3 Yogyakarta) dan posisi kedua ditempati tim Padmanabot Valinor dari SMAN 3 Yogyakarta)
Winner of the best design category by a team Hediys (SMK N 3 Yogyakarta) and the second position won by the team of Padmanabot Valinor from SMAN 3 Yogyakarta.
Line follower robot, also called the Tracker Line or Line Tracer Robot is a robot that can walk to follow a trajectory in the form of a line. The line in question is a black line on white surface or vice versa, there is also the track with another color with a surface that contrasts with the color line. At first glance racing line follower robot is similar to Tamiya racing cars well known among adolescents and children. (Www.umy.ac.id)
(Trans by hm-uhamka)