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Collaborating with Kemenko PMK, Muhammadiyah Promotes ‘Darul 'Ahdi Wasy Syahadah’ at UML

MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, BANDAR LAMPUNG - The Central Board of Muhammadiyah and the Office of the Coordinating Human Development and Culture Ministry (Kemenko PMK) conducted ‘Sosialisasi dan Aksi Negara Pancasila sebagai Darul 'Ahdi Wasy Syahadah(A Campaign and Action of a State of Pancasila as Darul 'Ahdi Wasy Syahadah)’ on Saturday (29/06) at Hall of K.H. Ahmad Dahlan of Universitas Muhammadiyah Lampung (UML).

Vice Chair of Office of Economy and Entrepreneurship of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Azrul Tanjung stated that, even though Indonesia is not an Islamic state, each law adopts Islamic norms. Islam, if we look at the religion entirely, regulates all life aspects, including economy.

Of many state concepts proposed to young generations nowadays, Muhammadiyah selects Darul 'Ahdi Wasy Syahadah as an alternative conforming with a condition of Indonesia. Thus, this concept should  be promoted since it is beneficial for Indonesian young generations.

“The concept benefits young generations since it comprises of nationality reinforcement and economic self-sufficiency,” declared Azrul.

Meanwhile, Rector of UML Dalman asserted that the campaign should be organized more often because it can enlighten youths as future generations of this nation.

“The campaign theme is in accordance with our university vision, namely to be an entrepreneurial university,” he added.

Additionally, a speaker from Kemenko PMK Abu Nasir emphasized that Indonesia agrees Pancasila as the state philosophy. Hence, it is compulsory for Indonesians to obey the agreement.

“However, challenges always emerge, and I believe Muhmmadiyah and other organizations as Nahdlatul Ulama can become ‘a guardian’ of Pancasila,” contended Abu Nasir.

The campaign was a follow-up of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Kemenko PMK and Muhammadiyah to disseminate decisions of the 47th Muhammadiyah Congress in 2015, namely Pancasila as Darul ‘Ahdi Wasy Sahadah. Muhammadiyah’s implementation of the Pancasila life is through establishing educational and health institutions for all people without distinguishing a race, religion, group, and social status.

In addition, keynote speakers of the campaign were Vice Chair of Office of Economy and Entrepreneurship of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Azrul Tanjung, a staff of Kemenko PMK Abu Nasir, a young entrepreneur Adi Jaya Saputra, and Rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Lampung Dalman. 

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