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Muhammadiyah and Humanitarian Movements

MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, JAKARTA - Director of Office of Amil, Zakat, Infaq, and Shadaqah (Lazismu) of Muhammadiyah Hilman Latief was proud of recognizing that each Muhammadiyah office takes action for universal humanity.

“Everyone is moving and ensuring that this movement works well. All people would like to assure that there is no fraud and everyone is disciplined, professional, and punctual to achieve targets of humanitarian actions designed last year,” expressed Hilman.

On Saturday (29/6), three Muhammadiyah humanitarian offices (Muhamamdiyah Aid, TRRM, and Lazismu) conducted a meeting to follow up Muhammadiyah’s humanitarian roles in this nation and international areas.

Muhammadiyah Aid is an ad hoc team of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah comprising of several office. The team is assigned to ascertain that various Muhammadiyah humanitarian programs in other countries as Bangladesh, Myanmar (Rakhine State), Palestine, the Philippines, and others run well. The team is supervised by Chairmen of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Prof. Bahtiar Effendy and H.E. Hajriyanto Y. Tohari II.

Meanwhile, the Muhammadiyah Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Team (TRRM) is a local ad hoc team supervised by Chairman of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Agus Taufiqurrahman. The team had a meeting to ensure that reconstruction and rehabilitation funds which take one year to two years are distributed well, particularly to disaster-affected areas such as Palu and Lombok.

“Many facilities and houses have yet been reconstructed and the reconstruction absolutely entails rehabilitation in social and economic fields. We would like to make sure that the funds are disbursed well,” declared ilman.

Besides, Lazismu also organized a plenary meeting with the Supreme Audit Board (BPK) led by Akhyar Adnan, Ph.D., a Sharia Board team led by Dr. Hamim Ilyas, and a Lazimu team in Yogyakarta on Saturday (29/6).

The Lazismu evaluated performance, fund distribution, partnerships, internal and external audit processes, ZIS funds, and humanitarian funds. Lazismu plays roles in gathering and allotting funds to particular programs through MuhAid and TRRM.

“I think this is a humanitarian vigor that we should maintain and may not diminish due to the political hustle and bustle of Indonesia. I also expect that everyone is in a good condition. Mbak Rahmawati Husein from Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center (MDMC) just coming from Geneva to represent Indonesia in a humanitarian forum is immediately attending a meeting of Muhammadiyah Aid in Menteng, so is Mas Agus Syamsuddin. He went to Paris to be a speaker in a forum of SDGs for a health area. May we be consistent to perform this social humanitarian work since our physical condition and vision are maintained,” ended Hilman. 

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