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‘Aisyiyah Is Versed in Confronting Issues

MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, YOGAYAKARTA - The Central Board of ‘Aisyiyah conducted a gathering (Syawalan) with ‘Aisyiyah members at ‘Aisyiyah Office, Jalan Ahmad Dahlan on Saturday (29/6). The gathering was attended by leaderships of ‘Aisyiyah, staffs of ‘Aisyiyah Office, and leaderships of ‘Aisyiyah charity.

General Chairwoman of the Central Board of ‘Aisyiyah Siti Noordjannah Djohantini expected that ‘Aisyiyah can be more advanced and can assist greater humanitarian issues. ‘Aisyiyah may be more responsive and bring enormous benefits.

“We have to reinforce what has make us strong. We should ensure our leaps to perform our duties. We have to maintain our vigor instilled in ourselves as exemplified since the era of K.H. Ahmad Dahlan. ‘Aisyiyah has actively played roles so that we have to emulate spirit of ‘Aisyiyah and Muhammadiyah figures to become our strengths,” declared Noordjannah.

She inserted that we sometimes feel inferior when we recognize track records of local and central figures. They seem sparkling pearls which attract their environment. They trigger other people to perform dakwah.

Noordjannah also talked about leaderships of Aisyiyah 2015-2020 which remains a year.

“Time flies so fast. Insya Allah we will have a congress in July 2010. It means that this yeast we have to optimize to undertake our duties. We should accomplish urgent responsibilities, and if necessary, we have to massively collaborate with small levels of Aisyiyah to answer issues of people and this nation,” asserted Noordjannah.

If we notice the development of this movement in various forums of Islamic preaching, ‘Aisyiyah is well-developed. We have to be grateful so see enthusiasm of Aisyiyah people in the small organization level. Besides, in the second century of ‘Aisyiyah’s establishment, this movement should get stronger because social and national challenges and issues are more complex.

‘Aisyiyah’s essential mission is to unite people by dakwah of amar ma’ruf nahu mungkar (commanding the food and forbidding the evil).

Insya Allah, ‘Aisyiyah is versed in confronting problems and disseminating dakwah of amar ma’ruf nahu mungkar. Today’s challenges require ‘Aisyiyah to believe that the movement entails youths with incredible capability and willing to devote their time to it,” conveyed Noordjannah.

According to Noordjannah, youths should be more passionate about evolving ‘Asiyiyah.

“Hence, Angkatan Muda Muhammadiyah (AMM) should get more attention, but senior generations should remain to be crucial pillars since we can learn from them,” she emphasized. 

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