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Muhammadiyah’s Collaboration Aims to Evolve This Nation

MUHAMMADIYAH. ID, MEDAN - General Chairman of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir stated that Muhammadiyah is ready to collaborate to the development of this nation.

“You may not worry. What Muhammadiyah has performed is for the betterment and to enlighten people and this nation to create Indonesia which is rahmatan lil ‘alamin (a mercy the worlds),” declared Haedar at a gathering ‘silaturahim’ of Syawal 1440 H at Graduate School Building of Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU) on Sunday (30/6).

The gathering was attended by university members of UMSU and Muhammadiyah members from Sumatra Utara.

Haedar maintained that Islam defines silaturrahim as a means of reconnecting brotherhood. This silaturrahim aimed to seek similarities over differences after a presidential election.

“Muhammadiyah is a great Islamic movement and possesses a tough movement principle, great system, valuable charity, and public trust,” mentioned Haedar.

Haedar admitted that to maintain what Muhammadiyah has achieved and had is not easy.

“In managing Muhammadiyah, we are required to be scrupulous and not to be reckless,” he emphasized.

He added that we cannot be a fighter pilot, who can freely do various maneuvers, to lead this movement.

“However, we have to be a big commercial pilot who remains cautious,” he continued.

Haedar also stressed that Muhamamdiyah are now confronting great challenges, particularly dealing with dakwah and tabligh.

He contended that the dakwah and tabligh should be revitalized.

“The dakwah and tabligh can be performed immediately and through social media since people are now indivisible from the social media,” conveyed Haedar.

“Indeed, social media become a power to disseminate dakwah and to have social interaction,” said Haedar.

Meanwhile, the gathering was also attended by PWM of Sumatra Utara, PDM across Sumatra Utara, PW Aisyiyah, and leaderships of autonomous organizations.

Additionally, Rector of UMSU Agussani informed that the silaturrahim is an annual event addressed to interweave good relationship among Muhammadiyah members across Sumatra Utara and members of UMSU.

He also reported the development of UMSU which recently achieved ‘A’ accreditation.

Alhamdulillah, the achievement is a result of our endeavor and we have to be grateful and enhance it,” he expressed.

UMSU has attempted to undertaken internationalization programs as conducting international cooperation with a number of Asian and European universities.

For instance, UMSU offers an international internship and community service program in several ASEAN regions. The international internship program for UMSU students has been conducted in Thailand and Cambodia these five recent years. 

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