MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, Karanganyar - Muhammadiyah seeks to synergize women’s roles in tackling disasters through clean environmental preservation. Engagement of the women’s roles was undertaken through a workshop on ‘Pelestarian Lingkungan Hidup dan Siap untuk Selamat’ (Environmental Conservation and Getting Ready to Be Safe) on Saturday (5/7).
The workshop speakers were Head of Environmental and Forestry Services (DLHK) of Jawa Tengah Afgung and Vice Chair of Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center (MDMC) Rahmawati Husein.
The workshop aimed to prepare for the women to cope with disasters and to be able to get involved in disaster response.
“Women are the most affected ones by disasters and an element having incredible capacity to reduce disaster risks, save environment, and perform disaster management,” declared Rahmawati Husein.
Thus, expected Rahmawati, Aisyiyah women can grasp the significance of environmental management.
“Saving environment can mitigate disaster risks because 80 percent of disasters in Indonesia are hydromitological disasters, related to climate, such as rain and landslides. The disasters can be prevented through environmental prevention, land use management, and waste cleaning, and disaster preparedness,” conveyed Rahmawati.
Meanwhile, the DLKH possesses several programs to preserve environment as conducting a campaign to provide solutions to environmental issues and to manage waste as well as giving plant seeds, garbage carts, compost bins, and waste processing machines. The DLKH also hands over waste banks and its tolls, TPS3R, and TPS3T.