MUHAMADIYAH.ID, SURAKARTA - Welcoming the 48th Muhammadiyah Congress which will be conducted in Surakarta, Juli 2020, Tapak Suci Putra Muhammadiyah will organize Tapak Suci World Championship participated by 10 countries.
The championship will be held on 30 August - 5 September 2019 and the participants are from a regional club (Perwil) of Algeria, East Timor, Singapore, Egypt, Taiwan, Pakistan, Germany, Tunisia, Morocco, the Netherlands, Malaysia, Lebanon and Indonesia.
Chairman of the the Central Board of Tapak Suci Putra Muhammadiyah Muhammad Afnan Hadikusumo informed that Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) was appointed to host the championship since it is a part of the 48th Muhammadiyah Congress 2020 that the UMS is also the host of the congress.
“Participants of the international championship will compete to gain a perpetual trophy of M. Barrie Irsyad, who was a founder of the Tapak Suci. The championship may bring positive implications for Muhammadiyah in Surakarta and UMS,” declared Afnan on Tuesday (16/7).
He added that the championship has been prepared well so that athletes can compete, recognize UMS, and share information, which they received during the championship, to their home country.
“The championship may bring impacts on Muhammdiyah in those area,” expected Afnan.
Meanwhile, Rector of UMS Sofyan Arif stated that the UMS is ready to conduct the championship.
“Jawa Tengah is an area where the championship will be organized. After observing the potential, UMS is selected to host it,” he told.
Additionally, the championship comprises of two categories, namely sports and arts. There are 18 numbers of the sport category (11 males and 7 females) and 16 numbers of the art category (8 males, 7 females, and 1 group). Two athletes obtaining a gold medal in Asian Games, Iqbal Candra and Eko Febrianto, will also compete in the championship.