SURAKARTA, MUHAMMADIYAH.OR.ID - 252 students of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) performed an internship program and community service in four countries, namely Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Indonesia.
Their predeparture was attended by Chair of Office of Higher Education, Research, and Development of Muhammadiyah Chairil Anwar, Rector of UMS Sofyan Arif, officials of Regional Higher Education Service Board (LLDIKTI), Dean of FKIP of UMY and several officials of UMS.
“I am proud that the FKIP of UMS can conduct the program overseas. Students should leverage this occasion to foster themselves in an international atmosphere and to promote Muhammadiyah,” declare Chairil Anwar in the predeparture of the students at Building of Siti Walidah of UMS, Sukoharjo on Friday (19/7).
Meanwhile, Rector of UMS Sofyan Arif informed that the international community service aims to achieve a goal of the UMS as a world class university.
“May other faculties at UMS be able to offer the international program,” expected Sofyan.
Held for 1.5 months, the program may evolve students’ teaching methods and educational potential so that they become autonomous and compete globally.