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Home/ News/ The Muhammadiyah Professor Alliance Meeting Discusses Notions for Education of Indonesia

The Muhammadiyah Professor Alliance Meeting Discusses Notions for Education of Indonesia

BANTUL, MUHAMMADIYAH.OR.ID – Muhammadiyah firstly conducted Silaturahim Aliansi Guru Besar Muhammadiyah (AGBM - a meeting of Muhammadiyah Professor Alliance) throughout Indonesia at Building of A.R. Fachruddin A, floor 5, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta on Saturday  (27/7).

The two-day meeting was initiated by Office of Higher Education, Research and Development of Muhammadiyah. On day one, the meeting was scheduled to compile thoughts of the intellectual professors on the future of Muhammadiyah education.

In his remark, Rector of Universitas Muhamamdiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto, M.P. emphasized significance of three pillars of Muhammadiyah for the future of this nation. “They are education, health, and economy. This meeting focuses on education,” he mentioned.

He added that leaderships of Muhmmadiyah commence to be aware that a spearhead of the Muhammadiyah is higher education.

“Thus, this meeting is essential to formulate how we, with our own expertise, contribute to Muhammadiyah to play roles in all areas of Indonesia,” added Gunawan.

He also expected that the AGBM may reinforce a relationship among the professors. “Hence, we can share positive thoughts, particularly on how to enhance quality of Muhammadiyah services in education,” he asserted.

Meanwhile, Chair of the Office of Higher Education, Research and Development of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Lincolin Arsyad informed that the AGBM meeting discussed views on Muhammadiyah, especially regarding education and was addressed to intertwine a relationship among the professors. “Muhammadiyah professors exist from Sabang to Merauke so that the condition must benefit us as they can share ideas of the future of education in Muhammadiyah,” he conveyed.

Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah higher education (PTMA) possesses two vital roles. “First, the PTMA as the center of excellence yields excellent researchers, educators, and leaders of this nation. Second, the PTMA is a drive of this movement as mentioned on the concerns of the PTM, namely being excellent, competitive, and developed.

At the first session of the meeting talking about ‘Leadership and Higher Education Development’, Professor of University of Gadjah Mada Prof. Djamaluddin Ancok contented that authentic leadership affect the success of higher education management. “A leader should be a role model for his/her colleagues, and can mold a strong bond in work. That is one of the aspects that should be fostered in education of Muhammadiyah,” he contended.

“The bound may enhance productivity, profitability, work quality of products and services, and efficiency. Therefore, it should be noticed that providing good services to students is similar to giving our good service to God, and vice versa,” he maintained.


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