MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, BOGOR - General Chairman of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir attended preaching of Muhammadiyah Regional Board (PDM) of Leuwiliang, Bogor on Tuesday (6/8).
Haedar stated that Muhammadiyah never ceases to perform good deeds to educate people and this nation. Thus, it is not surprising when governmental officials of this country and most of ambassadors of other countries require recommendation from this movement.
“We have to maintain trust of the parties by enhancing Muhammadiyah’s roles and contributions to strategic fields. Our vigor is giving others. If we receive something, it will be returned to people and this nation,” declared Haedar.
“Egoism may not be within our dakwah and we may not disseminate our dakwah in a huff. We may not bluster and think that we do a lot. We have to effectuate real actions. We need renewal in spreading dakwah. Spirit of Al-Ma’un should be internalized and practiced in our life. This is a characteristic of Muhammadiyah’s enlightening dakwah,” emphasized Haedar.
Meanwhile, Regent of Bogor Ade Yasin maintained that Muhammadiyah is indivisible from a national power. Muhammadiyah has attempted to develop this nation even before this country achieved its independence.
“Regency Government of Bogor would like to collaborate with Muhammadiyah offices. We are eager to enhance study duration in our regency,” expressed Ade.
Additionally, the preaching was also attended by Chairman of PWM of Jawa Barat Syuhada, Secretary of the PWM of Jawa Barat Jamjam Erawan, organizers of PDM of Bogor Regency, and Muspida of Bogor Regency.
Besides giving the preaching, Haedar accompanied by Regent of Bogor and the PDM of Bogor Regency inaugurated construction of a number of Muhammadiyah charities in Bogor as Leuwiliang Orphanage, SunMart Muhammadiyah of Cilengsi, Muhammadiyah Islamic Hospital of Cilengsi, Al-Quran Tahfid Center, TK Aisyiah Puraseda, SMK Muhammadiyah Nanggung, and a Muhammadiyah university.