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Home/ News/ Encouraging Cadres to Be Digitally Literate, ‘Aisyiyah Conducts Training in Digital Learning Materials

Encouraging Cadres to Be Digitally Literate, ‘Aisyiyah Conducts Training in Digital Learning Materials

MUHAMMADIYAH. ID, YOGYAKARTA - The Central Board of ‘Aisyiyah collaborating with Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Learning Center (SEAMOLEC) conducted ‘Training in Interactive Learning Media and Video-Based Teaching Material Design” on 1-3 August at Universias ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta.

The training was officially opened by Chairwoman of the Central Board of ‘Aisyiyah Shoimah Khastolani.

In her remark, Shoimah stated that ‘Aisyiyah activists, no matter what their profession is - either a teacher, lecture, housewife - should master technology.

However, she advised audiences to utilize technology responsibly. Particularly when receiving digital contents, people need to use knowledge and refer to fiqh of information.

Meanwhile, Director of SEAMOLEC Alpha Ammirrachman appreciated training participants and expected that ‘Aisyiyah activists could leverage technology devices to disseminate a notion of Islam as rahmatan lil ‘alamin (a mercy to the worlds).

“It is appealing when we are teaching or preaching employing an audiovisual medium. The medium assists us to spread our dakwah effectively,” conveyed Alpha.

He added that digital learning and preaching materials are accessible for everyone wherever and whenever they are.

Alpha also explained the development of distance and online learning from 1880 till now, in industrial revolution 4.0.

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