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Home/ News/ TK ABA Exists for 100 Years due to Persistence of Movement Members

TK ABA Exists for 100 Years due to Persistence of Movement Members

MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, JAKARTA - Taman Kanak-Kanak ‘Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal (TK ABA) has existed as the first Early Childhood Education (PAUD) owned by native Indonesians far before the independence of Indonesia. At the age of 100, TK ABA can remain existing due to vigor of Al-Ma’un regarding charity and social care.

“Even though education in TK ABA had finite sciences, ‘Aisyiyah cadres has instilled faith in children’s education. It is not easy to preserve schools for a century,” declared Chairwoman of the Central Board of ‘Aisyiyah, Masyithoh Chusnan in a commemoration of the 100th anniversary of TK ABA in Muhammadiyah Dakwah Center, Jakarta on Thursday (15/8).

Established in 1919, TK ABA (firstly called Frouble Kindergarter Aisyiyah) was addressed to oppose a secular and discriminatory Dutch frouble school. The TK ABA was founded to teach fundamentals of Islam and patriotism.

From 1919 to 2019, TK ABA has pioneered the PAUD and reached remote areas throughout Indonesia and other countries as Singapore, Australia, and Egypt.

Meanwhile, Directorate General of PAUD of Ministry of Education and Culture Muhammad Hasbi praised roles of ‘Aisyiyah for 100 years to build a civilization. According to Hasbi, there are 20,000 TK ABAs and the number represents 20 percent of Muhammadiyah roles in the early childhood education.

Besides, Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) Rita Pranawati found that TK ABA exists in several outermost islands such as Natuna.

“TK ABA is established in each area no matter what the condition is,” appreciated Rita to ‘Aisyiyah.

“’Aisyiyah women always commits to enhancing quality. Some of them utilize their own saving and only have spirit to run the kindergarten, but they possess the same goal, namely to perform religious command to develop this nation. We believe that educating the children will create a peaceful nation blessed by God, baldatun tayyibatun wa rabbun ghaffur,” asserted Masyithoh Chusnan.

Additionally, the celebration of the 100 anniversary of TK ABA will be undertaken at the end of August to September 2019 through conducting international seminars, tasyakuran engaging organizers of TK ABA throughout Indoneisa, MURI record breaking, educational expos, philanthropy, and awards for PAUD educators and activists of PAUD of ‘Aisyiyah. 

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