MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, MYANMAR - Rohingya people dwelling in three villages of Myanmar live with Buddhist people. Most of the Rohingya people are farmers, while others are breeders.
Rohingya Muslims are driven out of their area and do not receive their rights as citizens. Indeed, Myanmar government does not give clarity regarding their citizenship status.
Besides, Rohingya Muslims staying in refugee camps are strictly monitored. Their condition is distinctive from Rohingya Muslins in the three villages, namely Nga Pwint Shay, Mai Zali Khong and Thinganet.
Dai Muhammad Iskandar accompanied by a journalist of TVMU Subhan informed that Muslims in the villages can express their opinions even though they are restricted.
According to Dai visiting the villages to distribute meat in Eid al-Adha, they remain performing prayers. “Mosques in the villages may not use a speaker and they are not allow to equip facilities for the Muslims to worship,” he stated.
Dai told that Subhan and he took an airplane to get the villages due to their safety and because Myanmar government watches Rohingya Muslims’ activities and it takes 8 hour-driving.
A presence of Lazismu in Myanmar aimed at conducting sacrifice and performing a humanitarian missions. In previous years, Lazismu collaborated with Indonesian Humanitarian Alliance (IHA) in Cox’s Bazar Bangladesh.
This year, Lazismu cooperated with Participatory Development Initiative (PADI) to provide sacrificial animals. Chief of the PADI Nasharuddin played a vital tole in succeeding the sacrifice in Myanmar.
Dai mentioned that there were 15 oxen and the slaughter followed regulations of local government. It was informed that Myanmar government officially forbade the sacrificial animals to be slaughter in the Indonesian Embassy in Myanmar.
The slaughter, then, was effectuated in villages where Rohingya Muslims lived. For the distribution, it relied on the village condition.
There were 350 families in Nga Pwit Shay, 600 faminiles in Ma Zali Khong, and 400 families in Thinganet. Thus, Eid al-Adha became an awaited day to share happiness.
In addition, Thinganet has two schools, and the other two schools are under construction. Muhammadiyah Aid and the PADI would establish six schools and empowerment areas. The schools are addressed to provide education for Rohingya Muslim children.
A figure in Thinganet maintained that Lazismu brings felicity to Thinganet people so that they could pray Eid al-Adha and slaughter the oxen well. He expected that the mosque-based empowerment programs could always be undertaken.