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Home/ News/ Diktilitbang of Muhammadiyah Opens the FKMI of MAPALA of PTM throughout Indonesia

Diktilitbang of Muhammadiyah Opens the FKMI of MAPALA of PTM throughout Indonesia

MAKASSAR, MUHAMMADIYAH.OR.ID― Deputy Chair of Council of Higher Education, Research and Development (Diktilitbang) of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Akib delivered a remark at Jamboree XII of Communication and Information Media Forum (FKMI) of Students of Nature Lovers (MAPALA) of Muhammadiyah Higher Education (PTM) throughout Indonesia at Auditorium Al Amien of Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, Jalan Sultan Alauddin, on Monday (2/9).

Conducted on 2-9 September 2019, the jamboree is organized in five regencies/cities of Sulawasi Selatan.

Irwan expected that the MAPALA of PTM can contribute to Muhammadiyah and this nation, particulary in the term of protecting and preserving environment.

“We also wish that the MAPALA of PTM can do research on various natural phenomena by collaborating with a number of parties,” declared Irwan who is also Chair of KPPTK of Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia.

Indeed, they can become a role model for other MAPALAs to run the organization.

Additionally, the jamboree was attended by 56 MAPALA of PTM across Indonesia, and comprised of several events.

First, there was Sarasehan, a forum discussion, in Maros Regency. It discussed environmental issues.

Second, it had a mangrove planting in Sinjai Timur, cultural exploration, and citizen journalism in Sinjai Utara.

Third, the participants climbed Mount Lompobattang and Bawakaraeng, as well as constructed toilets in a mosque in Tompobulu, Gowa.

Fourth, they had caving in Leang Rakko Cave of Maros Regency. Last, they did rock climbing in Maros Regency and rafting in Rongkong, Lutra.


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