MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, JAKARTA –Responding to a notion of the Global Islamic Calendar Unity emerging at International Hijri Calendar Unity Congress in Turkey 28-30 May 2016, Majelis Tarjih dan Tajdid (Majlis of Law and Reinformation) of the Central Board Muhammadiyah invited Islamic mass organizations in Indonesia to have a dialogue on Friday (6/9).
Conducted at Dakwah Center of Muhammadiyah, Jakarta, attending the dialog was representatives of the Central Board of Persatuan Islam (Persis), Dewan Dakwah Islamiyah (DDI), OIF UM Sumatera, and Jakarta Islamic Center.
As a silaturahmi forum, Chair of the Office of Tarjih and Tajdid Syamsul Anwar stated that the discussion aimed at performing a mandate of the 47th Muhammadiyah Congress in Makassar, 2005, mentioned on a section of Muhamamdiyah, Strategic Issues and the People, point 6 on International Islamic Calendar Unity. The mandate reveals the significance of Muslims as ummatan wahidah (united Muslims) to possesses a similar global calendar guideline.
According to Syamsul, the Global Islamic Calendar Unity focuses on not only uniting a number of worldly administrative and worship issues but also a step to unify people.
“I think that we owe to this civilization. It has been 1500 years that Islamic civilization does not have a calendar as if we were a group of people who do not concern with time,” asserted Syamsul.