MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, YOGYAKARTA –The Central Board of Muhammadiyah welcomed a visit from University of Göttingen, Germany, an old university established in 1737, the era of enlightenment.
The University of Göttingen commits to values of social responsibility, science, democracy, tolerance, and justice. Thus, the university is interested in moderate Islam and Muhammadiyah thoughts.
In the visit on Saturday (7/9), a representative of Council of Education, Research, and Development (Diktilitbang) of Muhamamdiyah Ahmad Muttaqin stated that Islam exists in not only the Middle East but also other countries. There are a lot of Islamic insights such as Muhammadiyah with its history, charity, and contribution to this nation.
“The visit aims to promote Islam and Muhammadiyah,” told Ahmad Muttaqin at Muhmmadiyah Office, Jalan Cik Di Tiro, Yogyakarta.
He also informed that Muhamamdiyah representatives had a dialog with nine people from the University of Göttingen. They were enthusiastic about Muhamamdiyah program, Muhammadiyah as a moderate Islamic movement, and opportunities for Muhammadiyah to develop and remain existing in this modern era.
Besides concerning with religious issues, since 1912 Muhammadiyah has also focused on issues of social, poverty, education, and public health in Indonesia. Muhammadiyah is an inclusive movement. Each program benefits both all Muslims and public. Muhammadiyah seeks to bring enlightenment nationally and internationally. For instance, Muhammadiyah possesses Muhammadiyah Special Branches and builds charity and services in several countries.
Religious discourses and studies are a part of course subjects at the University of Göttingen since it offers Faculty of Theology. Islam is discussed at a course of Science and Religion. The course enables students to study several topics as religious founders, death, and mechanisms to cope with the death, introduction of religious traditions, religious ethics, history of religious research, and new forms of religion.