Majlis of Higher Education, Research, and Development (Diktilitbang) of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah, LazisMu, and Majlis of Cadre Education (MPK) collaborate to conduct a Muhammadiyah Scholarship Preparation Program (MSPP) of batch III 2019/2020.
The program is addressed to 50 selected cadres of the movement and lecturers of Muhammadiyah and ‘Aisyiyah higher education (PTMA) across Indonesia. The program will run for three months at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. They will have English training, character building, nationalism insights, Al-Islam and Muhammadiyah teaching, leadership, study plan, and tips to get scholarships for master’s or doctoral programs provided by Indonesian government and other institutions.
Registration deadline: 11 October 2019
Further information of the scholarship can be gained at Office of Majlis of Diktilitbang Jalan K.H. A. Dahlan 103 Yogyakarta 55262, phone/fax: 0274 389485/376336, WhatsApp: 082241827440 (Nana) / 085742230564 (Riza) or 089696936462 (Majelis Diktilitbang), and e-mail: