MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, LEBANON -General Chairman of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir and General Chairwoman of the Central Board of ‘Aisyiyah Noordjannah Djohantini were welcomed by Grand Mufti of Lebanon Syeikh Abdul Latif Derian at the Fatwa office on Thursday (19/9). The Indonesian Ambassador to Lebanon Hajriyanto Y. Thohari and the Cultural Attaché Bashiruddin A. Hadiah also came with the Muhammadiyah figures at the office to discuss the relations reinforcement between Lebanon and Indonesia.
At the meeting, Haedar declared three statements. First, he talked about relations between Fatwa associations and bodies in Lebanon. Second, he invited Derian to attend the Muhammadiah congress conducted in Surakarta, July 2020. Third, Haedar promoted Muhammadiyah roles in areas of health, education, and social.
"What Muhammadiyah does is a tangible action of presenting Islam as rahmatan lil alamin and universally benefitting others," Haedar asserted.