MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, YOGYAKARTA – Innalillahi wainnailaihi raaji'uun, the Central Board of ‘Aisyiyah offered condolences on the passing of a cadre of Muhammadiyah Student Association (IMM) of Sulawesi Tenggara Immawan Randi after a demonstration in front of the provincial legislative council (DPRD) building of Sulawesi Tenggara in Kendari on Thursday (26/9).
General Chairwoman of the Central Board of ‘Aisyiyah Noordjannah Djohantini contended that the tragedy was not supposed to occur, and ‘Aisyiyah condemns all violence; moreover, it takes someone’s life.
“A protest must not be responded by harshness. Security forces are demanded to oversee students’ march proportionally, and not to act repressively,” emphasized Noordjannah on Friday (27/9).
Furthermore, ‘Aisyiyah urged this calamity to be a concern of all parties, and exhorted the police force to probe the death and to uphold transparent justice.
“All parties may remain calm, maintain conducive atmosphere, and preserve the unity of this nation,” required Noordjannah.