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UM Jakarta answered to settle Univeristy Administration System

Jakarta- Settling the system frequently proposed by UMJ by implementing the SADA system (Centralization of Financial Administration and Decentralization Academic), now in the process of realization. Thursday (7 / 4), the rector UMJ invited two teams of ICT (Information and Communications Technology) professionals, such as PT. Pure image, chaired by Furqan, SE., MM, and Digilab (Digital Laboratory), chaired by Ali Mukarrom Sidiq.

ICT Team of PT. Citra Murni is a team that handles online academic administration system with a web-based centralized database had given presentations to the executives of UMJ. While the team Digilab, is to rebuild the (rebuilding) website UMJ previously considered less interactive and less complete.

According Furqan, this system is built purposefully to facilitate the process of academic administration and lectures. "Students can see the scores, fill in KRS, interact with professors, and so on at home by connecting with internet access," said Furqan explaining in detail. According to him, ICT is also very interactive, "Interaction between lecturers and students can be done online. Lecturers can submit material or assignments online lectures as well if students want to give up his duties ", he added.

Through online academic and financial databases, it is expected to SADA can be maximally achieved. According to Agus Riyanto, UMJ Puskom staff, technology does not only offer digital visual sense but also the efficiency of transparency. According to him, academic administration system built has been considered effective, accountable, and transparency. Within the near future, this system can be implemented and disseminated. The process of pooling data from all faculty is also in the process. (

(Trans by hm-uhamka)

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