MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, SIDOARJO – The Central Board of Muhammadiyah in collaboration with the Office of the Coordinating Human Development and Culture Ministry (Kemenko PMK)conducted the other campaign of Negara Pancasila sebagai Darul ‘Ahdi Wasy Syahadah (DAWS – the Pancasila State as Darul ‘Ahdi Wasy Syahadah)on Saturday (19/10) in Theater of Faculty of Business, Law, and Social Sciences of Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (UMSIDA). It was attended by Muhammadiyah economists and entrepreneurs.
The campaign was also attended by Chairman of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Anwar Abbas, Vice Rector 3 of UMSIDA Eko Hardi Ansyah, Secretary of Muhammadiyah Regional Board (PWM) of Jawa Timur Tamhid Masyhudi, Coordinator of Tim Kerja Faozan Amar, Secretary of Majlis of Economy and Entrepreneurship of Muhamamdiyah Mukhaer Pakkanna, and Lecturer of Islamic Economy of UMSIDA Kumara Adji Kusama.
Anwar Abbas stated that theologically Muhammadiyah agrees on Pancasila and views the ideology as kalimatun sawa (the accord) of diversity. The bottom line is how five principles of Pancasila are applied in the economy of this nation.
“Our greatest duty is how to achieve economic justice for all Indonesians,” asserted Anwar.
Meanwhile, Mukhaer Pakkanna talked about the significant aspect of our economy is prosperity in all fields.
“Rasul created 5,000 markets to diminish a monopoly of a certain group,” mentioned Mukhaer.
Adji Kusuma added that Pancasila is in accordance with the diversity of Indonesia.
“In the context of economy, since the first principle is ‘Belief in the Almighty God’, God plays roles in economic relations among people and the Pancasila economics system,” he explained.
Additionally, in the context of Pancasila economics, Faozan Amar conveyed that Muhammadiyah charities (AUM) are established to expand dakwah and reach social economic justice for all people.
“Muhammadiyah charities have rapidly been evolved in Jawa Timur. It seems as sun rises from the east, and Muhammadiyah of Jawa Timur is always shining and inspiring,” exclaimed Faozan.