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59,000 People Come to ‘Jateng Bermunajat’

MUHAMMADIYAH. ID, SEMARANG -General Chairman of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir attended Jawa Tengah Bermunajat 2019 in Lapangan Pancasila, Simpang Lima, Semarang on Saturday night (26/10).

Attended by 59,000 people, the event was conducted along with the opening of OlympicAD 2019.

 In his sermon, Haedar stated that the ‘munajat’ praying to Allah sincerely for His Ridha, help, and forgiveness.

Munajat can be defined as obedience to the one and only God Allah, implementing what Allah’s commands, internalizing hambluminallah genuinely,” declared Haedar.

Kiai Ahmad Dahlan prayed to Allah when contemplating this organization name,” inserted Haedar.

Muhammadiyah was derived after Kiai Ahmad Dahlan was inspired by Al-Qur’an surah Ali Imran verse 104 and 110.

“Muhammadiyah people play a role in being actors of dakwah and tajdid, as well as khairu ummah. The verses, on the interpretation of Ibnu Kasir, tell about people of Prophet Muhammad. “Two of their characteristics are ummatan wasthan and syuhada alannas,” he asserted.

Thus, Muhammadiyah charities exist throughout Indonesia. Indeed, the 107-year Muhammadiyah establishment represents ummatan wasathan, believing in a religion moderately instead of being extremist believers.

Besides, Haedar appreciated the event organized by Muhammadiyah Regional Board of Jawa Tengah since it is a meaningful event.

“Afterwards, the munajat should be applied through real actions to develop Indonesia,” maintained Haedar.

Additionally, attending the event was Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo, Vice Governor of Central Java Taj Yasin, Chair of Muhammadiyah Regional Board of Jawa Tengah Tafsir, Head of Majlis of Primary and Secondary Education of Muhammadiyah, and leaderships of Muhammadiyah charities.


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