MUHAMMADIYAH. ID, YOGYAKARTA – Majlis of Higher Education, Research, and Development (Diktilitbang) of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah in collaboration with Majlis of Cadre Education of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah conducted Instructor Training (PI) for Muhammadiyah Higher Education of Batch V.
It was organized on 7-10 November at Pusbangdikti, Kaliurang.
Chair of the Majlis of Diktilitbang Lincolin Arsyad stated that the collaboration has run well.
‘The MPKK is the closest partner of Majlis of Diktilitbang since we have cooperated to hold many programs,” told Lincolin.
In this program, participants gained instructional materials in a new curriculum of Muhammadiyah Cadre System (SPM) 2016.
The materials were Cadre Development and AIK (Islam and Muhammadiyah Teachings) delivered by Secretary of Majlis of Diktilitbang Muhammad Sayuti and Muhammadiyah Identity in the Midst of Changing Society given by Chairman of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Ahmad Dahlan Rais.
The IP aimed at achieving a target of the MPK to create 5,000 instructors throughout Indonesia.