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Haedar’s Advice in the Opening of Tanwir II of Nasyiatul Aisyiyah

MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, PALEMBANG– Nasyiatul Aisyiyah (NA) always upholds ten commitments with Islamic understanding and Muhammadiyah values.

“We have to comprehend what becomes Muhammadiyah’s guideline to grasp Islam. Conceiving Islam of Muhammadiyah can be undertaken through several approaches, namely bayani, burhani, and irfani (textual, contextual, and rational) approaches. The approaches enable Muhmmadiyah to broader horizons and comprehension of Islam, Islamic teachings, and faith values. Thus, Muhammadiyah and the NA will not be easily predisposed by current issues,” declared General Chairman of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir in the opening of Tanwir II (a conference prior to the congress) at Swarna Dwipa Hotel on Friday (8/11).

The NA is also responsible for performing dakwah and giving mauidhotul hasanah (advice).

Haedar also highlighted that the NA cadres need to understand their roles.

“We live in a country where Muslims are a majority. Their vigor to learn Islam is developing so that it should be supervised well,” he asserted.

One of the duties of Mummadiyah, particularly the NA cadres, is to create a condition of wasathiyah Islam having an orientation to evolve.

“A moderate Islamic movement focuses on the development, advises one another, and molding the majority to be prosperous. We may not lose the balance between Islamic morals and Islamic aqidah,” stated Haedar.

Having the huge roles, Haedar believed that Muhammadiyah and the NA possess a dignified place in Indonesia without feeling overwhelmed and pretentious.

“I think this nation was established by pillars of the unity of Indonesia and social justice for the whole of the people of Indonesia. The spirit of Indonesia is togetherness and collaboration to coin a country, in Muhammadiyah’s context, of Baidatun Thoyyibatun wa Rabbun Ghofur,” maintained Haedar.


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