MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, JAKARTA – Muhammadiyah is waiting for a planning permit from Australian government.
The planning permit is a legal document to construct buildings by considering ecological, ecosystem, and social effects.
The planning permit will become a gift of the 107th anniversary of Muhammadiyah and a starting point of Muhammadiyah’s dakwah movement in Australia.
“Muhammadiyah possesses 10-hectare land in Melbourne, Australia. The planning permit was proposed in September 2018 and the result will be announced about 11-18 November. Australia has strict regulations. If the permit is accepted, Muhammadiyah can legally construct its charities,” informed Secretary of the Office of International Relations and Cooperation (LKHI) Wahid Ridman.
He also thanked the Australian National Imam Council (ANIC), United Muslims of Australia (UMA), and Australian local Islamic organizations for assisting Muhammadiyah these four recent years to prepare for the documents to apply the planning permit.
Besides, Imam Sadli and Musthopa, two representatives of the UMA and ANIC, visited Muhamamdiyah Office of Jakarta on Wednesday (13/11) to report the planning permit update.
“ANIC has a strong foundation and great support. The LKHI also will sign Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the ANIC in fields of education, dakwah, and culture,” mentioned Vice Chair of the LHKI Muhyidin Djunaidi.