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Home/ News/ Presidents of Muhammadiyah and 'Aisyiyah Have Silaturahim with the PCIM of Saudi Arabia

Presidents of Muhammadiyah and 'Aisyiyah Have Silaturahim with the PCIM of Saudi Arabia

MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, SAUDI ARABIA– Muhammadiyah Special Branch (PCIM) of Saudi Arabia welcomed a visit from General Chairman of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Prof. Haedar Nashir and General Chairwoman of the Central Board of ‘Aisyiyah Noordjannah Djohantini on Tuesday evening (24/12).

Conducted in Syaibani Restaurant of Madinah with the cold weather, the visit began with having dinner together. Then, Haedar and Noordjannah provide the PCIM organizers motivation preaching.

Noordjannah stated that one of the Muhammadiyah characteristics is to establish a great organization and develop it rapidly in accordance with the science development.

“The PCIM of Saudi Arabia was commenced from a few people. Afterwards, it evolves to be an organization driving community. I wish that the PCIM of Saudi Arabia could flourish,” she expected.

Meanwhile, Prof. Haedar Nashir mentioned that Arabian Peninsula possesses indivisible relations with the history of Muhammadiyah. K.H. Dahlan lived in Saudi Arabia for about a year for the first time and 17 months for the second time. He studied well, and disseminated his knowledge when they got back to Indonesia.

Haedar also hoped that members and the PCIM of Saudi Arabia could confront challenges in the next century since Islam is the last religion for a dynamic long civilization.

“Indeed, tajdid movement is regarding purification and answering future challenges,” emphasized Haedar.


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