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Environmental issues are not merely problems in science

Yogyakarta- Recent environmental issues and nature reservation is increasingly becoming a threat to life. Some researchers have predicted these problems would become increasingly severe environments in the future. Related to this, technical and scientific approach are not enough to overcome the existing problems. This was expressed by Muhjidin Mawardi, Chairman of the Environment Council Muhammadiyah Central Executive (MLH PP Muhammadiyah) in Public Lecture held in the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (FP UMY) entitled "Damage and Environmental Preservation in the Islamic Perspective." The event was held on Saturday (14 / 5) at Room Amphitheater UMY campus. Environmental problems in the world more diverse. One exemplified by Muhjidin is how climate change resulted in a reduced amount of water particularly in Indonesia. "Despite of the facts that plants planted in Indonesia are to consume large amounts of water," he explained. The approach intended by Muhjidin is to change radically and fundamentally on how public view on the natural environment. According Muhjidin notions such as Materialism, pragmatism, capitalism have led to anthropocentrism exploitative behavior, destructive and are not responsible for the preservation of the environment. Existing water issue, according to Muhjidin is one result of human behavior mentioned above. Muhjidin exemplifies how the government would facilitate the privatization of water resources in Indonesia. Nearly half springs in Indonesia has been exploited by private firms to produce bottled mineral water. This is according to Muhjidin is one source of problems. Muhjidin explained that in Islam man who is part of nature should try to put themselves into complement of among with the other living creatures. "Now even more narrow view that the use of natural resources only for personal or group interest, such as water resource issues before", added Muhjidin. Muhjidin further explained that in Islam is still allowed to use existing natural resources. Yet it is only carried out activities in a survival effort, not to excess, mayhem, that would damage the environment. "Doing ablution for example, Muslims are only required to wash the body once, the rest of the Sunnah. This example of resource-saving efforts in Islam ", clarified Muhjidin. Muhjidin also pay more attention to this problem in a political perspective for example. According to him, poverty and injustice walk closely with the government's weakness as well as economic and political interests has exacerbated the damage to short-term nature and the environment. At the end, Muhjidin also urged food research institutions to participate in paying more attention to the problems of climate change in Indonesia that may impact on efforts to provide food for the Indonesian people in general. ( (Trans by hm-uhamka)

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